剑雅17 Test 1 Passage1阅读11–13判断题答案解析

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剑雅17 Test 1 Passage1阅读7–10判断题答案解析

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Test 1 Passage1

Questions 7–13

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1?


if the statement agrees with the information


if the statement contradicts the information


if there is no information on this

7、Other countries had built underground railways before the Metropolitan line opened.

8、More people than predicted travelled on the Metropolitan line on the first day.

9、The use of ventilation shafts failed to prevent pollution in the tunnels.

10、A different approach from the‘cut and cover’technique was required in London’s central area.

11、The windows on City & South London trains were at eye level.

12、The City & South London Railway was a financial success.

13、Trains on the‘Tuppenny Tube’ nearly always ran on time.

本文是Test 1 Passage1阅读11–13判断题答案解析,点击查看Test 1 Passage1阅读7–10判断题答案解析


11、定位词City & South  London原文出题句第八段递5句 : T h e carriages were narrow and had tiny windows just below the roofbecause it was thought that passengers would not want to look out at the tunnel walls.参考译文:车厢很窄,车顶下方有一扇很小的 窗户,因为人们认为乘 客不想向外看隧道的墙 壁。解析题干:The windows on City & South London trains were at eye  level.译文:伦敦城和南部火车的 车窗与视线齐平。根据定位词找到第八段的第 五句,原文说窗户在车顶下方,且人们不用外看隧道, 说明窗户在视线水平的上方,不是与视线齐平。题干和原文矛盾。答案False.

12、定位词City & South  London Railway financi alsuccess原文出题句第八段第八句:Although the City &South London Railway was a great technical achievement,it did not make a profit.参考译文:虽然伦敦城南铁路是一项伟大的技术成就,但它没有盈利解析题干:The City &South London Railway was  a financial success.译文:伦敦城南铁路在财务上取得了成功。原文中的it指前面的City & South London Railway,did not make a profit没有盈利,跟题干中的financial success相反。答案False.

13、定位词TuppennyTube原文出题句第八段倒数二三句 : Then,in  1900,the Central London Railway, known as the‘Tuppenny  Tube',began operation  using   new    electric locomotives.It was very popular  and  Soon  afterwards new railways and extensions were added to the growing tube network.参考译文:然后,在1900年,被称为“Tuppenne Tube”的伦敦中部铁路开始使用新的电力机车运营。它很受欢迎,不久之后,新的铁路和支线被添加到不断增长的地铁网络中。解析题干:   Trains on the Tuppenny Tube’nearlyalways ran on time.译文:“Tuppeny Tube”上的火车几乎总是准时运行。本题为绝对化考点,考察是否总是准时运行,根据定位词可以找到第八段的倒数第  三句话,一直看到文章结尾,没有提到准时相关信息,所有题干当中出现原文没有的信息。答案Not Given.



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