



1.ls it better to have a lot of friends than just a few friends?1.有很多朋友比只有几个朋友好吗?
2. Would having just a few friends limit your horizons?2. 只有几个朋友会限制你的视野吗?
3. Do you think you are good at maintaining good relationships with others?3. 你认为你善于与他人保持良好的关系吗?
4. Why do old friends lose touch with each other?4. 为什么老朋友会失去联系?
5. Why do people need to make new friends?5. 为什么人们需要结交新朋友?
6. Why do we have to give up some old friends?6. 为什么我们要放弃一些老朋友?

1. Do most people mind people talking on the phone in public places?1. 大多数人介意人们在公共场所打电话吗?
2. What are the differences between sitting beside a person who keeps talking on the phone and a person who keeps talking to you?2. 坐在一个不停打电话的人和一个不停和你说话的人旁边有什么区别?
3. Why do some people not care what they do in public places?3. 为什么有些人不关心他们在公共场所做什么?
4. Do you think parents should teach their children not to behave badly in public places?4. 你认为父母应该教育孩子不要在公共场所表现不好吗?

1. What aspects do young people have strong opinions about?1. 年轻人对哪些方面有强烈的意见?
2. What aspects do old people have strong opinions about?2. 老年人对哪些方面有强烈的意见?

1. What kinds of videos are most popular in your country?1. 在你们国家,什么样的视频最受欢迎?
2. Are there many people who watch online videos a lot?2. 有很多人经常看网络视频吗?
3. Do you think people spend too much time on watching short videos? Why?3. 你认为人们花太多时间看短视频吗?为什么?
4. Why are so many young people obsessed with short videos?4. 为什么这么多年轻人痴迷于短视频?
5. What are the advantages of online learning?5. 在线学习的优势是什么?
6. Do you think online learning will replace face-to-face learning?6. 你认为在线学习将取代面对面的学习吗?
1. What do children often do when they face a challenge?1. 当孩子们面临挑战时,他们通常会做什么?
2.ls it easy for children to overcome a challenge?2.孩子们容易克服挑战吗?
3. Do most people choose to face a challenge alone or with others?3. 大多数人选择独自面对挑战还是与他人一起面对挑战?
1. Do you think competition is all about the prize?1. 你认为竞争就是为了奖品吗?
2. What prizes should schools set for students?2. 学校应该为学生设立什么样的奖励?
3. What criteria should be set for students to win a particular prize?3. 学生获得特定奖项的标准是什么?
4. Why do many companies offer prizes to their customers?4. 为什么许多公司给他们的顾客提供奖品?
5. Why do many companies offer prizes to their customers?5. 为什么许多公司给他们的顾客提供奖品?
6.Why do some companies encourage employees to compete with each other?6.为什么有些公司鼓励员工相互竞争?
1. What kinds of things do people lose easily?1. 人们最容易失去的东西是什么?
2. Why do people keep losing things?2. 为什么人们总是丢东西?
3. Where do people often find things they have lost?3. 人们经常在哪里找到他们丢失的东西?
4.ls it important to be organised for a good student?4.对一个好学生来说,有条理很重要吗?
1. Do you think doctors and nurses are very important?1. 你认为医生和护士很重要吗?
2. Who is more important, doctors or nurses?2. 医生和护士,谁更重要?
3. Do you think that doctors and nurses are not paid enough?3. 你认为医生和护士的工资不够吗?
4. Do you think it is necessary to learn first aid skills?4. 你认为学习急救技能有必要吗?
1.How can children help their parents at home?1.孩子如何在家帮助父母?
2. Should parents always help their children with everything?2. 父母应该总是帮助孩子做任何事情吗?
3. What can children learn by helping others?3. 孩子们能从帮助别人中学到什么?
4. Do neighbours often help each other in your country?4. 在你们国家邻居们经常互相帮助吗?
5. How do people know that their neighbours might need help?5. 人们怎么知道他们的邻居可能需要帮助?
1. What do you think people like to do when they are old?1. 你认为人们老了以后喜欢做什么?
2. Do you think grandparents can always have a good relationship with their grandchildren?2. 你认为祖父母和孙辈的关系总是很好吗?
3. What can grandparents and grandchildren learn from each other?3. 祖父母和孙子可以互相学习什么?
4. Do you think children's parents enjoy living with the grandparents in the family? Why?4. 你认为孩子的父母喜欢和祖父母住在一起吗?为什么?
1. What kinds of movies do you think are successful in your country?1. 你认为什么样的电影在你的国家是成功的?
2. What are the factors that make a successful movie?2. 一部成功电影的要素是什么?
3. Do Chinese people prefer to watch domestic movies or foreign movies?3. 中国人更喜欢看国产电影还是外国电影?
4. Do you think only well-known directors can create the best movies?4. 你认为只有知名导演才能拍出最好的电影吗?
5. Do you think successful movies should have well-known actors or actresses in leading roles?5. 你认为成功的电影应该由知名演员主演吗?
6. Why do people prefer to watch movies in the cinema?6. 为什么人们更喜欢在电影院看电影?
1. What are apartments like in your country?1. 你们国家的公寓是什么样的?
2. Why are apartments welcome in some places while not in other places?2. 为什么公寓在一些地方受欢迎,而在另一些地方不受欢迎?
3. What would people normally consider when they rent or buy a house or an apartment?3. 人们在租房或买房时通常会考虑什么?
4. Do different people have different preferences for houses or apartments?4. 不同的人对房子或公寓有不同的偏好吗?
1. Which cities are crowded in your country?1. 你们国家哪些城市最拥挤?
2. Will there be more or less green space in cities in the future?2. 未来城市的绿地会多还是少?
3.Will people use bikes more or less in cities in the future?3.未来城市里人们会更多还是更少地使用自行车?
1. Who should people ask for advice on big issues,family members or friends?1. 在重大问题上,人们应该向谁寻求建议,家人还是朋友?
1. How does the internet affect culture?1. 互联网是如何影响文化的?
2. How is a culture formed?2. 文化是如何形成的?
3. What kind of culture is popular among the young?3. 年轻人中流行什么样的文化?
1. Do people spend too much time shopping these days? why?1. 现在人们花太多时间购物了吗?为什么?
1. Are traditional handicrafts important to tourism?1. 传统手工艺品对旅游业重要吗?
2. What are the benefits for students to learn to make things by hand?2. 学生学习手工制作有什么好处?
3. Why do many children like to make things by hand?3. 为什么许多孩子喜欢手工制作东西?
4. How important are traditional handicrafts to a country's industry?4. 传统手工艺对一个国家的工业有多重要?
5.ls it reasonable to charge a high price for handmade things?5.手工制品要价高合理吗?
6.How does modern technology change the handicraft industry?6.现代科技如何改变手工业?
1. Why are many people so keen on reading?1. 为什么许多人如此热衷于阅读?
2. Do you think parents should help their children develop the reading habit from an early age?2. 你认为父母应该帮助孩子从小养成阅读习惯吗?
3. ls reading for fun or for work?3. 读书是为了娱乐还是为了工作?
1. Who would take photos more often, young people or older people?1. 谁更常拍照,年轻人还是老年人?
2. What do young people and old people like to take photos of?2. 年轻人和老年人喜欢拍什么?
3. Why do some people pay a ton of money to hire professional photographers to take photos at some special occasions, such as weddings?3. 为什么有些人会花很多钱聘请专业摄影师在一些特殊场合拍照,比如婚礼?
1. Do you like to invite your friends to your home?1. 你喜欢邀请你的朋友来你家吗?
2. Why do people often take gifts with them when they visit others homes?2. 为什么人们在拜访别人家的时候经常带着礼物?
3. Who likes to stay at home more, young people or old people?3. 年轻人和老年人,谁更喜欢呆在家里?
4. Do you think old people will be able to keep up with the pace of technology in 50 years?4. 你认为50年后老年人还能跟上科技的步伐吗?
1. Do people in your country grow plants at home?1. 你们国家的人在家种植植物吗?
2. What plants can people grow in cities?2. 人们可以在城市里种什么植物?
3.Are there any difficulties when people grow plants in cities?3.人们在城市里种植植物有什么困难吗?
4.Do most people prefer vegetables bought from the supermarket or grown at home?4.大多数人喜欢从超市买的蔬菜还是自己种的蔬菜?
1.ls it necessary to have public parks in cities?1.城市里有必要有公园吗?
2.What facilities are needed in a park?2.公园里需要什么设施?
1. What are the differences between big cities and small cities?1. 大城市和小城市有什么不同?
2. Where do people in your hometown like to go?2. 你家乡的人喜欢去哪里?
3.What are the differences between the places young people like to go and the places old people like to go?3.年轻人喜欢去的地方和老年人喜欢去的地方有什么不同?
What can teachers do to help their students become more confident?老师能做些什么来帮助他们的学生变得更自信?
How can teachers help their students become more confident byrewarding them for studying?老师如何通过奖励学生来帮助他们变得更自信?
What can teachers do to make studying more interesting?老师能做些什么来使学习更有趣呢?
Do you think that children of confident parents are also confident?你认为自信父母的孩子也自信吗?
Why do so many people lack confidence these days?为什么现在这么多人缺乏自信?


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