剑雅17 Test 1 Passage3 阅读32–33题答案解析
剑桥雅思17共收集了雅思真题4套,以下是羊驼小编整理了Test 1 Passage3雅思阅读题答案及解析,以下是阅读Passage3第32–33题的题目答案及雅思真题解析,供小伙伴们复习参考。想要了解更多关于剑雅17听力和阅读真题答案及解析的考生可查看剑桥雅思17听力阅读真题答案及解析汇总。
剑雅17 Test 1 Passage3阅读原文章请查看剑雅17 阅读真题Test1 Passage3题目。
Test 1 Passage3
Questions 32–35
Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 3?
In boxes 32–35 on your answer sheet, write
YES if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer
NO if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer
NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this
32、Charles chose Pepys for the task because he considered him to be trustworthy. 33、Charles’s personal recollection of the escape lacked sufficient detail. 34、Charles indicated to Pepys that he had planned his escape before the battle. 35、The inclusion of Charles’s account is a positive aspect of the book. |
以下是剑雅17 Test 1 Passage3 阅读32–33题答案解析,点击查看剑雅17 Test 1 Passage3 阅读27–29题答案解析。
32、定位词Pepys ;trustwort hy原文出题句第二段第二句:Hisintention when askingPepys to commit his storyto paper was to enslre thatthis most extraordinaryepi sodeforgotten was 1eve1译文:他要求佩皮斯把他的故事写在纸上,是为了确保这一最不寻常的插曲永远不会被忘记。
题干:Charles chose Pepys for the task because he considered him to be trustworthy 译文:查尔斯选择 Pepys担任这项任务,因为他认为Pepys值 得信赖。本题为因果考点,题干 中的trustworthy在原文中没有提到,根据判定标准答案为NG。答案是NOT GIVEN。
33、定位词recollecti on;lack原文出题句第二段第三句:Over two three-hour sittings,the king related to him in great detail his personal recollections of the six weeks he had spent as a fugitive.译文:在两次三个多小时的会面中,国王详细地讲述了他作为逃犯度过的六个星期的个人回忆。
题干: Charles's personal recollection of the escape lacked sufficient detail. 译文:查尔斯对越狱的个人回忆缺乏足够的细节。原文说的是in great detail,题干和原文矛盾,根据判定标准答案为No。