剑雅17 Test1听力6-10题答案解析及考试题目

剑桥雅思17共收集了雅思真题4套,以下是羊驼小编整理了第一套听力真题答案及解析Test 1 Listening,以下是雅思听力真题第一部分Part 1第6-10题的题目、答案及雅思真题解析,供小伙伴们复习参考。想要了解更多关于剑雅17听力和阅读真题答案及解析的考生可查看剑桥雅思17听力阅读真题答案及解析汇总

剑雅17 Test1听力6-10题答案解析及考试题目

Test 1 Listening

PART  1        Questions 6-10

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Forthcoming events


•      meet at Dunsmore Beach car park

•      walk across the sands and reach the 6                              

•      take a picnic

•      wear appropriate 7                              

Woodwork session

•      suitable for 8                              to participate in

•      making 9                              out of wood

•      17th, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

•      cost of session (no camping): 10 £                             


6、6-7跟 Saturday下面的活动也是并列的,Dunsmore  Beach可以做定位,题干中出现 and,reach   跟前面walk across the sands 是并列,预计sands  先出现,对应原 文 :that's when the sands are dry enough for us to walk to the island without getting wet.Walk to 对应题干中的reach,  答案是island.

7、用picnic做定位,预计 appropriate 会被其它词替换,答案为名词。对应原文And  of course  it'll be wet walking  across  and back,so make  sure  your boots  are waterproof.Make  sure跟题干的appropriate对应,答案是boots.

8、用woodwork  session做大定位,预计题干中的suitable 和participate 会被替换, 对应原文 :Then  later  this  month we're having  a  one-day  woodwork  session  in   Hopton  Wood.I've  never  tried  that  before.Is  it  OK  for  beginners  to  take  part?   Definitely. 出 现woodwork  session后面的内容关注,OK 对应题干的suitable for,   take part对应题干的participate in,答案是beginners.

9、紧跟在第8题后面,用wood 做定位,对应原文:You'll be starting with wooden spoons,and of course learning how to use the tools.Wooden对应out of wood,答案为Spoons.

10、预判填数字,出现no  camping特殊情况,可能会出现几种费用,需关注no camping的费用。对应原文:There's a charge of f35,including lunch,or f40 if you want to camp in the wood.包括camp 的是40,没有camp 的是35.答案是35.


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