


2024年9-12月雅思口语题库Part1新题汇总如下表所示,羊驼雅思将持续跟进题库话题更新。已经报名9月雅思考试的烤鸭们可以免费参加羊驼雅思口语换题季训练营,训练营时间:9月5日-9月10日,共6天,期间老师每日直播带练, 口语老师免费指导、点评,参与口语打卡更有机会免费获得【剑19精讲解析】【免费1v1课程】【口语技巧课18节】【羊驼雅思vip】。24年9月雅思口语新题完整内容查看2024年9-12月雅思口语新题库更新汇总

Talk with others与他人交谈
1. Do you like to talk with others?1. 你喜欢和别人交谈吗?
2. Do you like to talk a lot with others?2. 你喜欢和别人聊很多吗?
3. Did you like to talk with others when you were a child?3. 你小时候喜欢和别人说话吗?
Bike 自行车
1. Did you have a bike when you were young?1. 你年轻的时候有自行车吗?
2. Do you have a bike now?2. 你现在有自行车了吗?
3. Do you often ride a bike now?3. 你现在经常骑自行车吗?
4. Are bikes popular in China?4. 自行车在中国流行吗?
1. Do you often take coins with you?1. 你经常随身带硬币吗?
2. Have you collected coins?2. 你收集硬币了吗?
3. ls it convenient to use coins?3. 用硬币方便吗?
4. Do you use coins in your daily life?4. 你在日常生活中使用硬币吗?
5. Did you use coins as a child?5. 你小时候用过硬币吗?
1. Are the roads in the area where you live busy?1. 你住的地方道路繁忙吗?
2. How do people cross the road in the city where you live?2. 在你居住的城市里,人们是怎么过马路的?
3. How is the condition of the roads in your city?3. 你们城市的道路状况如何?
4. Do you think the roads in your city need improvement?4. 你认为你们城市的道路需要改善吗?
Place of work/study学习地点
1. Do you prefer to study at home or in a library?1. 你喜欢在家学习还是在图书馆学习?
2. What is your favourite place to study?2. 你最喜欢的学习地点是哪里?
3. What part of your school do you like the most?3. 你最喜欢学校的哪个部分?
4. What is your favourite subject?4. 你最喜欢的科目是什么?
5. Do you prefer to work at home or in the workplace?5. 你喜欢在家工作还是在工作场所工作?
6. Do you prefer to work alone or in a group?6. 你喜欢独自工作还是团队工作?
Good view美景
1. What is the view like around the place where you live?1. 你住的地方周围的景色怎么样?
2. Have you seen an unforgettable view?2. 你看到过令人难忘的景色吗?
3. Would you take photos when you see a good view?3. 当你看到风景好的时候,你会拍照吗?
4. What is your favourite place? Why?4. 你最喜欢的地方是哪里?为什么?
Free time空闲时间
1. What do you like to do in your free time?1. 你在空闲时间喜欢做什么?
1. Do you use perfume?1. 你用香水吗?
2. Where do you spray perfume?2. 你在哪里喷香水?
3. Where do you spray perfume?3. 你在哪里喷香水?
4. Do you send perfume to others as a gift?4. 你会把香水作为礼物送给别人吗?
1. Do you have a favourite teacher?1. 你有最喜欢的老师吗?
2. In what way has your favourite teacher helped you?2. 你最喜欢的老师在哪些方面帮助了你?
3. Do you have a teacher from your past that you still remember?3. 你还记得你过去的老师吗?
4. Are you still in touch with your primary school teachers?4. 你和你的小学老师还有联系吗?
5. Do you want to be a teacher in the future?5. 你将来想成为一名教师吗?
1. ls fishing popular in your country?1. 钓鱼在你们国家流行吗?
2. Do you like eating fish?2. 你喜欢吃鱼吗?
3. Have you ever been to a place where there are lots of fish around you?


4. Have you seen any movies with lots of fish?4. 你看过有很多鱼的电影吗?
1. Do you enjoy watching interesting and funny movies?1. 你喜欢看有趣和搞笑的电影吗?
2. Do you think you are a funny person?2. 你认为你是一个有趣的人吗?
3. Do you always laugh at funny things?3. 你总是对有趣的事情发笑吗?
4. When was the last time you laughed?4. 你上次笑是什么时候?
Roads and streets道路和街道
1. Are the roads and streets in the area where you live busy?1. 你居住地区的道路和街道繁忙吗?
2. How do people cross the road in the city where you live?2. 在你居住的城市里,人们是怎么过马路的?
3. How is the condition of the roads in your city?3. 你们城市的道路状况如何?
4. Do you think the roads in your city need improvement?4. 你认为你们城市的道路需要改善吗?
Taking photos拍照
1. Do you like taking photos?1. 你喜欢拍照吗?
2. Where do you like to go to take photos?2. 你喜欢去哪里拍照?
Making friends/Meeting new people
1. Do you like making friends?1. 你喜欢交朋友吗?
2. Did you make a lot of friends when you were a child?2. 你小时候交了很多朋友吗?
3. Have you made any new friends recently?3. 你最近交了新朋友吗?
4. What do you often talk about with your friends?4. 你经常和你的朋友谈论什么?
5. Do you like meeting new people?
5. 你喜欢认识新朋友吗?
6. Where can you meet new people?6. 你在哪里可以认识新朋友?
7. Do you enjoy talking to new people?7. 你喜欢和陌生人交谈吗?
1. Do you like teamwork?1. 你喜欢团队合作吗?
2. Have you worked with a team of someone else?2. 你曾经和其他人一起工作过吗?
3. What do you learn from working in a team?3. 你从团队工作中学到了什么?
4. What do you dislike about teamwork?4. 你不喜欢团队合作的哪一点?




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