剑雅17阅读32-36判断题Test2 Passage3答案解析

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剑雅17阅读真题Test2 Passage3题目

Test 2 Reading

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Passage  2   Questions 32-36

Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 3?

In boxes 32–36 on your answer sheet, write

YESif the statement agrees with the claims of the writer
NOif the statement contradicts the claims of the writer
NOT GIVENif it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

32   Acknowledging people such as Plato or da Vinci as geniuses will help us understand the process by which great minds create new ideas.

33   The Law of Effect was discovered at a time when psychologists were seeking a scientific reason why creativity occurs.

34    The Law of Effect states that no planning is involved in the behaviour of organisms.

35    The Law of Effect sets out clear explanations about the sources of new ideas and behaviours.

36    Many scientists are now turning away from the notion of intelligent design and genius.

剑雅17阅读真题Test2 Passage3答案及解析


32、定位词Plato;da Vinci。原文出题句:原文第八段第一句The notions of insight,creativity and genius are often invoked,but they remain vague and of doubtful scientific utility, especially when one considers the diverse and enduring contributions of individuals such as Plato, Leonardo da  Vinci, Shakespeare,Beethoven,Galileo,Newton,Kepler,Curie,Pasteur and Edison。参考译文:洞察力、创造力和天才的概念经常被引用,但它们仍然是模糊的,具有可疑的科学效用,特别是当人们考虑到柏拉图、莱昂纳多·达·芬奇、莎 士比亚、贝多芬、伽利略、牛顿、开普勒、居里、巴斯德和爱迪生等个人的多样和持久贡献时。题干解析:Acknowledging people such as Plato or da Vinci as geniuses will help us understand the process by which great minds create new ideas.译文:承认像柏拉图 或达这样的天才有助于我们理解伟人创造 新思想的过程。原文中but they remain vague and of doubtful scientific utility表示题干和原文意思相矛盾。答案为NO

33、定位词Law of Effect  ; psychologi sts。原文出题句:原文第九段第一句The Law  of  Effect  was  advanced by psychologist Edward Thorndike in 1898, some 40 years after Charles Darwin published his groundbreaking work on  biological evolution,On the Origin of Species.参考译文:1898年,心理学家爱德华·桑代克(Edward Thorndike)提出了效应定律,距离查尔斯·达尔文(Charles Darwin)发表了 他关于生物进化的开创性著作《物种起源》大约40 年。题干解析:The Law of  Effect was discovered at a  time  when psychologists were  seeking a scientific reason why creativity occurs.译文:效应定律是在 心理学家寻求创造力产生的科学原因时发现的。题干中的seeking a scientific reason why creativity occurs在原文没有出现。答案为NOT GIVEN

34、定位词planning; behaviour of organisms。原文出题句:原文第九段最后一句Just like Darwin's Law of Natural Selection,the Law of Effect involves an entirely mechanical process of variation and selection, without any end objective in sight.参考译文:就像达尔文的自然选择定律一样,效应定律涉及一个完全机械的变异和选择过程,没有任何最终目标。题干解析:The Law of Effect states that no planning is involved in the behaviour of organisms.译文:效应定律规定,生物体的行为不涉及任何规划。 题干中的no planning is involved对应原文中的without any end objective in sight,题干和原文意思一致。答案为YES

35、定位词new ideas and behaviours。原文出题句:原文第十段第二句:In particular,the provenance of the raw material on which the Law of Effect operates is not as clearly known as that of the genetic mutations on which the Law of Natural Selection operates.参考译文:特别是,影响法则所依据的原材料的起源,不如自然选择法则所依据的基因突变的起源那样清楚。题干解析:The Law of  Effect sets out clear explanations about the sources of new ideas and behaviours.译文:效应定律明确解释了新思想和行为的来源。题干中的sources对应原文中的provenance, 从原文not as clearly known可以看出,题干和原文相矛盾。答案为NO

36、定位词intelligent design and genius。原文出题句:原文结尾段The time seems right for abandoning the naive notions of intelligent design and genius,and for scientifically exploring the true origins of creative behavior.参考译文:现在似乎是时候抛弃关于智能设计和天才的幼稚观念,科学探索创造性行为的真正起源了。题干解析:Many scientists are now turning away from the notion of  intelligent design and genius.译文:现在,许多科学家正在远离智能设计和天才的概念。题干中的Many scientists are now turning away在原文中没有提到。答案为NOT GIVEN


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