
雅思口语考试有一部分话题是常考/必考的,因此这部分话题也长期保留在雅思口语预测中,一般不会被替换出去,但是可能会随着时代变化而增加新的问法。羊驼雅思整理了雅思口语考试Part1简介及问答常考的话题及问法如下,包括hometown、work or study、science、weather、pets or animals、festivals、accommodation、the area you live in、colors,仅供参考。注意在口语考试中遇到的提问时不一定完全按照下方整理的问题来,但是提问的核心点/关键点通常有规可循。比如提问动物或宠物类话题,通常会包含最喜欢的动物、为什么喜欢、喜欢哪一点、是否养过宠物、想养什么宠物、什么动物受欢迎等等,考生在考试时注意抓住提问的关键点进行回答。



What's your hometown?

Is that a big city or a small place?

How long have you been living there?

Do you like your hometown?

What do you like (most) about your hometown?

Is there anything you dislike about it?

Do you think you will live there for a long time?

Where do you grow up?

Do you think XX is a good place to grow up?

10)Will you live in the countryside?

2.Work or Study 工作和学习


What type of work do you do?

Why did you choose this kind of job? [Why/Why not?]

What technology do you use in you work?

Do you think the modern technology is helpful?

What’s the most important one in your work?

How do you spend the time at work? Study

Do you like your job?

Will you continue to do your work?


Where are you studying?

Why did you choose to study there? [Why/Why not?]

What do you usually do as a student?

Are you busy all the time?

What kind of thing do you often use to study?

What would help you study better?

Do you remember your first school?

Do you think it is a good school?

Did you use any technology in school to learn?

3.Home/Accommodation 家/住处

How far from here do you live in?

Do you prefer to live in the city or the countryside? [Why/Why not?]

Are the transports near your place very good? [Why/Why not?]

Do you live in a house or a flat?

Do you want to live in a house or an apartment in the future? [Why/Why not?]

Can you describe the place where you live?

Do you like your living place?

4.The area you live in 居住区域

Where do you like to go in that area?

Do you know any famous people in your area?

What are some changes in the area recently?

Do you like the area that you live in?

5.weather 天气

What's the weather usually like in your hometown?

What season do you like best? What do you do in that season?

What season do you think is most suitable for work and study?

Has the weather in your country changed much in the past few years?

Describe the four seasons in your hometown.

Is there any season you dislike?

Would you prefer to have the same climate all year, or a place that has different seasons?

How is the weather here different to the weather in your home country?

Are there any bad points about the weather in your city?

What is the typical weather in China like?

How does the weather affect people?


Describe a festival that is popular in your country.

Why do you think festivals are important events in the working year?

Would you agree that the original significance of festival is often lost today?

What's your favourite festival?

What do you most enjoy about it?

Tell me about the most important festival in your country. What special food and activities are connected

with this festival?

Do you think festivals are important for a country?

Do people in your town celebrate any festivals from different country?

How do you compare the Chinese festivals with the western festivals?

7.animals or pets动物/宠物

Have you ever had a pet when you were young?

Are there many people keeping pets in China?

What pet will you keep if you want?

Do you like animals?

What is your favorite animal?

What kinds of animals as a pet do the people have in your country?

Do you think cities are suitable places for keeping a pet?

What do you think are the benefits of a child having a pet?


What's your favorite color?

Do you like dark colors?

Are there any colors that have a special meaning in your country?

Do you think color is important in your daily life?


Do you like science?

What science have you studied?

How do you study science?

What's the most difficult part of studying science?

How has the science that you have studied helped you?








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