
雅思口语每年1月、5月、9月会更新题库,但上一个换题季的新题通常会得到保留。羊驼雅思整理了2025年1-4月雅思口语Part 2和Part 3保留题目和答案如下,供大家参考。



2025年1-4月雅思口语题库保留题Part 2&Part 3汇总如下,注意,篇幅所限,参考答案情联系客服索取或登录羊驼雅思APP查看。

Part 2话题Part 3问题
Describe a way/change that helps you save a lot of time1.What can people do to save time?
You should say:2.Does technology help people save time? How and why?
What it is3.Do you think parents should be responsible for teaching children to save time?
How you implement it4.Do people who can manage time well become successful more easily?
How difficult it is
And explain how you feel about the way/change
Describe something that surprised you and made you happy1.How do people express happiness in your culture?
You should say:2.Do you think happiness has any effect on people? How?
What it was3.How can people be happy?
Who did this4.Is it good for people to be unhappy? Why?
How you found out about it and what you did
And explain why it surprised you and made you happy
Describe something you do to keep fit and healthy1.How do children and old people keep fit and healthy?
You should say:2.What do people normally do to keep fit and healthy in your country?
What it is3.How can parents help and guide their kids to keep healthy?
When you do it4.Do you think it is good for governments to utilize popular celebrities to help build health
Who you do it withawareness?
Why it is important to keep fit and healthy
And explain why it can help you keep fit and healthy
Describe an occasion that you lost something1.What kinds of things do people usually lose?
You should say:2.What will people do when losing things?
What you lost3.Is it effective to offer rewards to find lost things?
When and where you lost it4.What kinds of people may lose things often?
What you did to find it
And explain how you felt about it
Describe a special day out that cost you little money/didn’t cost you much1.Do people like to spend their leisure time out in your country?
You should say:2.How do people spend their leisure time in your country?
When the day was3.How does technology affect the way people spend their leisure time?
Where you went4.Do you think only old people have time for leisure?
How much you spent
And explain how you feel about the day
Describe something you do that can help you concentrate on work/studyYou should say:1.Why is it more difficult for children to concentrate nowadays than in the past?
What it is2.Do you think technology will harm children’s ability to concentrate?
How it helps you concentrate3.What kinds of jobs require high concentration at work?
When you do it4.Can exercise help people improve concentration?
And explain how you feel about it
Describe a traditional product in your country1.Why are traditional products important?
You should say:2.Do you think traditions are important for a country? Why?
What it is3.What are some traditional Chinese products?
When you tried this product for the first time4.Why is it important for children to learn about traditional products?
What it is made of
And explain how you feel about it
Describe a time you were very busy1.Are you often busy?
You should say:2.What are the advantages and disadvantages when people keep busy?
When it happened3.Do you think children should learn through playing games or under pressure?
Where you were4.What kind of pressure people may experience at work?
What you did5.How does technology help with time management?
And explain why you were busy6.Does technology distract people?
Describe a popular/well-known person in China1.What kinds of people are popular at work?
You should say:2.Are bosses more popular than employees at work?
Who this person is3.Which one is more important, maintaining a good relationship with colleagues or doing well at work?
What he/she has done4.What benefits are there when a child is popular at school?
Why he/she is popular
And explain how you feel about this person
Describe an occasion when someone gave you positive advice or suggestions about your1.When should parents encourage their children?
work/study2.Should parents always encourage their children?
You should say:3.Do you think negative feedback is more important than positive feedback? Why?
Who the person isWhat he/she said4.Why is negative feedback as important as positive feedback at work or in study?
How the advice/suggestions affected you
And explain how you felt about the advice/suggestions
Describe a time when you were stuck in a traffic jam1.How can we solve the traffic jam problems?
You should say:2.Do you think developing public transport can solve traffic jam problems?
What it happened3.Do you think highways will help reduce traffic jams?
Where you were stuck4.What are the good ways to manage traffic?
What you did while waiting
And explain how you felt in the traffic jam
Describe a friend you like to talk with1.Where do young people like to meet?
You should say:2.Do you think people should be honest when talking with friends?
Who he/she is3.On what occasions do people talk with strangers?
What you like to talk about4.What do young people talk about when they meet up?
Why you like to talk with him/her
And explain how you feel about him/her
Describe a quiet place you like to go1.Is it easy to find quiet places in your country? Why?
You should say:2.How do people spend their leisure time in your country?
Where it is3.How does technology affect the way people spend their leisure time?
How you knew it4.Do you think only old people have time for leisure?
How often you go there5.Why do old people prefer to live in quiet places?
What you do there6.Why are there more noises made at home now than in the past?
And explain how you feel about the place
Describe a difficult decision that you made and had a good result1.What kinds of decisions do young people have to make?
You should say:2.Do you think young people are easily influenced by others when they make decision?Why or why not?
What the decision was3.Do you think some people can make decisions without asking for advice from others?
When you made that decision4.Do you think it’s necessary for kids to make as many decisions by themselves as they can?
Why it was difficult to make
And explain how you felt about the good result
Describe a time when someone asked for your opinion1.Why do some people dislike giving their opinions?
You should say:2.Are there any apps designed for collecting opinions about products or services?
Who asked for your opinion3.Why do people like to express their opinions on the Internet nowadays?
Why he/she wanted to know your opinion4.What are the disadvantages of sharing opinions on the Internet?
What opinion you gave
And explain how you felt when he/she asked for your opinion
Describe an invention that is useful in your daily life1.What qualities do inventors have?
You should say:2.Do you think only scientists can invent new things?
What the invention is3.What inventions do you think should be improved?
What it can do4.Are there any other inventions that make the world better?
How popular it is5.Do all inventions bring benefits to our world?
Whether it is difficult or easy to use6.Who should support and sponsor inventors, governments, or private companies?
And explain why it is useful
Describe a time that something changed your life in good ways1.When things like getting married or moving home happen, what kinds of things would you consider?
You should say:2.What are the disadvantages when people keep making changes?
When and where it happened3.Do you like new things or changes in life?
What happened4.Why do some people quit and change jobs?
How you felt about it5.How do you adapt to changes in life?
And explain how it changed your life in good ways6.Who can adapt better to changes, children or adults?
Describe an online video in which you learned something new1.What kinds of videos are most popular in your country?
You should say:2.Are there many people who watch online videos a lot?
When and where you watched it3.Do you think people spend too much time watching short videos? Why?
What it was4.Why are so many young people obsessed with short videos?
Why you watched it5.What are the advantages of online learning
And explain what you have learned from it6.Do you think online learning will replace face-to-face learning?
Describe something you did in your study/work that has made you feel confidentYou should say:1.How can a person become more confident?
When and where it happened2.What can teachers do to help their students become more confident?
What you did3.How can teachers help their students become more confident by rewarding them for studying?
Why it made you feel confident4.What can teachers do to make studying more interesting?
And explain how you felt about it5.Do you think that children of confident parents are also confident?

6.Why do so many people lack confidence these days?
Describe a person who has strong opinions1.What do young people have strong opinions about?
You should say:2.What do old people have strong opinions about?
Who this person is3.Are there many young people who have strong opinions in our lives?
How you knew him/her4.Which is more important, listening to others or persuading others?
What kinds of strong opinions this person has5.Do you think we should only say something after thinking it through?
And explain why you think he/she is a person who has strong opinions6.Do you think it is good to have strong opinions?
Describe a time when you answered a phone call from someone you didn't know in a1.Do most people mind others talking on the phone in public places?
public place2.What are the differences between sitting next to someone who talks on the phone and sitting next to people who talk to each other while travelling by train?
You should say:When and where it happened3.Why do some people not care about their actions in public?
Who called you4.Should parents teach their children to behave well in public?
What he/she said5.Is it acceptable to talk on the phone in public?
How you corresponded6.Should people be banned from talking loudly in public places?
And explain how you felt about the experience
Describe a time when you received good service in a shop/storeYou should say:1.Why are shopping malls so popular in China?
Where the shop is2.What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping in small shops?
When you went to the shop3.Why do some people not like shopping in small shops?
What service you received from the staff4.What are the differences between online shopping and in-store shopping?
And explain how you felt about the service5.What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping online?

6.Can consumption drive economic growth?
Describe an old friend you had lost touch with and got in contact with again1.Is it better to have a lot of friends than just a few friends?
You should say:2.Would having just a few friends limit your horizons?
Who he/she is3.Do you think you are good at maintaining good relationships with others?
How you knew each other4.Why do old friends lose touch with each other?
Why you lost contact5.Why do people need to make new friends?
How you got in contact again6.Why do we have to give up some old friends?
And explain how you felt after getting in contact again
Describe the most expensive item you have ever bought1.What do people in your country spend most of their money on?
You should say:2.Why do people buy very expensive things?
When and where you bought it
What it wasWhat you used it for
And explain how you liked it
Describe a special cake you received from others1.What are the differences between special food in China and other countries?
You should say:2.Is there any food in your country that is eaten at special times or on special occasions?
When it happened3.Why are some people willing to spend a lot of money on meals on special days?
Where it happened4.Do you think it’s good to communicate when eating with your family?
Who you got the cake from
And explain why it’s a special cake
Describe an important river/lake in your country1.How can rivers and lakes benefit local people?
You should say:2.How do rivers and lakes affect local tourism?
Where it is located3.Are rivers and lakes good for transport?
How big/long it is4.Do you think rivers and lakes attract tourists?
What it looks like
And explain why it is important
Describe a toy you liked in your childhood1.How do advertisements influence children?
You should say:2.Should advertising aimed at kids be prohibited?
What kind of toy it is3.What’s the difference between the toys kids play now and those they played in the past?
When you received it4.Do you think parents should buy more toys for their kids or spend more time with them?
How you played it
And how you felt about it
Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend1.When do people normally send gifts to others?
You should say:2.Is it hard to choose a gift?
How you knew your friend3.Will people feel happy when receiving an expensive gift?
How long you have known him/her4.Which do people give on traditional festivals, red envelopes or other kinds of gifts?
How you would choose a gift for him/her
And explain why you would choose that gift for him/her
Describe a story someone told you and you remember1.Do young children like the same stories as older children?
You should say:2.How has technology changed storytelling?
What the story was about3.How do people tell stories to children?
Who told you this story4.Why do children like stories?
Why you remember it
And how you feel about it
Describe a time you visited a new place1.Which do you prefer, living in a city or only visiting it as a tourist?
You should say:2.How do young children react when they go to school for the first time?
Where the new place is3.Why do some people want to go to college far away from home?
When you went there4.How do young and old people react differently to new things?
Why you went there
And explain how you feel about the place
Describe a city that you think is very interesting1.What advantages can tourism bring to a city?
You should say:2.Why do some young people like to live in cities?
Where it is3.Do most elderly people live in the city or in the countryside?
What it is famous for4.Do you think well-developed tourism will have negative effects on local people?
How you knew this city
And explain why you think it is very interesting
Describe an item of clothing that someone gave you1.Have you ever given clothes to others?
You should say:2.Why do people dress casually in everyday life but dress formally at work?
What the clothing was3.What are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing uniforms at work and school?
Who gave it to you4.Why do people from different countries wear different clothing?
When you got it
And explain why this person gave you the clothing
Describe a rule you dislike and would like to change in the future1.What are the rules students should follow at school?
You should say:What it is2.Are the rules at school good or bad? Why?
What it is for3.What rules should children follow at home?
Why you don’t like it4.How are people punished when parking at a wrong spot?
And explain why you would like to change it
Describe a person who you follow on social media1.What can people do on social media?
You should say:2.Do older people and younger people use the same kinds of social media apps?
Who he/she is3.Do older people spend much time on social media?
How you knew him/her4.Are non-social media like television and newspapers still useful?
What he/she posts on social media
And explain why you follow him/her on social media
Describe a thing you did to learn another language1.What difficulties do people face when learning a language?
You should say:What language you learned2.Do you think language learning is important? Why?
What you did3.Which is better, to study a language alone or to study it in a group? Why?
How it helped you learn the language4.What’s the best way to learn a language?
And how you felt about it
Describe an interesting discussion you had with your friend1.When do children normally form their own views?
You should say:2.Do children have strong opinions?
What the discussion was about3.Should parents require their kids to obey them?
What opinions you and your friend had4.In what industries do you think communication is a necessary skill?
Why you think the discussion was interesting
And how you felt about it
Describe a cultural place that you would like to learn the culture there (e.g.a library,1.When do children normally form their own views?
museum, theatre)2.Do children have strong opinions?
You should say:3.Should parents require their kids to obey them?
Where it is4.In what industries do you think communication is a necessary skill?
How you knew this place
What it is like
And explain how the place is related to culture
Describe a cultural place that you would like to learn the culture there (e.g.a library,1.How does the internet affect culture?
museum, theatre)2.How is a culture formed?
You should say:3.What kind of culture is popular among young people?
Where it is4.How do young people learn about different cultures?
How you knew this place5.Which is more important in terms of culture, literature or music?
What it is like6.Does the culture of the past have an impact on today's culture?
And explain how the place is related to culture
Describe someone you really like to spend time with1.What kinds of people are easy to get along with?
You should say:2.How do leaders get along with their subordinates?
Who this person is3.Do people have time for themselves nowadays?
How you knew him/her4.Do you like talking with older people? Why?
What you usually do together
And explain why you like to spend time with him/her
Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired1.Are IT-related jobs valued more by society?
You should say:2.Is the quality of products worse than before?
What it is3.What kinds of things do people like to repair by themselves?
How it was broken4.Why do people like to get their mobile phones repaired in specialized stores?
How you got it repaired
And how you felt about it
Describe a course that impressed you a lotYou should say:1.Why do some people have a better memory than others?
What the course was about2.Do people like things of memorial significance?
Where you took the course3.Which can help people remember things better, words or photos?
What you did during the course4.Can technology help people remember things better? How?
And explain why it impressed you a lot
Describe a person you only met once recently and want to know more about1.How do people make friends in China?
You should say:2.On what occasions do people like to make friends?
Who he/she is3.Is it important to have the same hobbies and interests when making friends?
When you met him/her4.What qualities make true friends?
Why you want to know more about him/her
And explain how you feel about him/her
Describe something that you can’t live without (not a computer/phone)1.Why are children attracted to new things (such as electronics)?
You should say:2.Why do some grown-ups hate to throw out old things (such as clothes)?
What it is3.Is the way people buy things affected? How?
What you do with it4.What do you think influences people to buy new things?
How it helps you in your life
And explain why you can’t live without it
Describe a long walk you ever had1.What outdoor activities do people like?
You should say:2.What are the differences between the outdoor activities children did in the past and now?
When this happened3.Is leisure time important to everyone? Why?
Where you walked4.Do women have more leisure time than men?
Who you were with
And explain how you felt about this long walk
Describe a time when you organized a happy event successfully1.How can parents help children to be organized?
You should say:What the event was2.On what occasions do people need to be organized?
How you prepared for it3.Does everything need to be well prepared?
Who helped you to organize it4.Do people need others’ help when organizing things?
And explain why you think it was a successful event
Describe an ambition that you haven’t achieved1.What ambitions do children usually have?
You should say:2.Why are some people very ambitious in their work?
What it is3.Why don’t some people have dreams?
Why you haven’t achieved it4.How do people balance work and life?
What you are doing about it now
And how you feel about it
Describe an important event you celebrated1.Do you like to celebrate important events? Why?
You should say:2.Do people often celebrate events with a large group of people or just a few people?
What the event was3.Do people often celebrate festivals with families?
When it happened
Who attended the event
And explain how you felt about the event
Describe an interesting neighbor1.Do you think people are familiar with their neighbors?
You should say:2.How can people improve the relationship with neighbors in a community?
Who he/she is3.How do children build relationships with others in a community?
How you knew him/her4.Is it beneficial to get along well with neighbors?
What you do together
And explain why he/she is interesting
Describe a person from whom others like to ask for advice1.Who should people ask for advice on big issues, family members or friends?
You should say:2.Do people often ask for advice from professional people, like a lawyer?
Who this person is3.Do you think the advice parents give their children is always good?
Why people like to ask for his/her advice4.Do you follow the advice of your family members?
What kind of advice he/she often gives5.Why do some people like to ask others for advice on almost everything?
And explain how you feel about the person6.Are professional consultancy services expensive in your country?
Describe a family member who you want to work with in the future1.What kinds of family business are common in China?
You should say:2.Is it good to work with family members? Why?
Who he/she is3.Why do people want to do family business?
Whether you worked together before4.What benefits are there when working for big companies?
What kind of work you would like to do with him/her
And explain how you feel about this family member
Describe a contest/competition you would like to participate in1.What are the contests commonly seen on TV programs?
You should say:2.Why are competition shows popular?
What the contest/competition is about3.What kinds of industries need competition? Why?
Where the contest/competition will take place4.Do you think it is necessary to encourage people to compete with others in companies?
When it will be held
And explain why you would like to participate in it
Describe a prize you have received recently (e.g.money, something valuable, a medal)1.Do you think competition is all about the prize?
You should say:2.Why should we set prizes for competitions?
What it was3.What prizes should schools set for students?
When you received it4.What criteria should be set for students to win a particular prize?
What you did to receive it5.Why do many companies offer prizes to their customers?
And explain how you felt about it6.Why do some companies encourage employees to compete with each other?
Describe a place in your city you have been to where you can see wildlife (e.g.animals,birds, insects, plants)1.Why are most children interested in wild animals?
You should say:2.Should parents take their children to the zoo to see wild animals?
Where it is3.Are wild animals easy to spot in your country?
When you went there4.Are there many wildlife documentaries produced in your country?
What wildlife you can see there5.What impacts does only seeing wild animals in zoos have on children's understanding of these animals?
And explain how you feel about it6.Which is the better way to see wildlife, watching documentaries or going into the wild?
Describe someone else's room you enjoy spending time in1.Do you like to invite your friends to your home?
You should say:2.Why do people often take gifts with them when they visit others' homes?
When you visited there3.Who likes to stay at home more, young people or old people?
Whose room it is4.Do you think old people will be able to keep up with the pace of technology in 50 years?
What it is like5.Do most people visit other people's houses during the Spring Festival?
What you can do in it6.What are the most enjoyable parts of having a meal together with your family?
And explain why you enjoy spending time there
Describe your favourite food at a traditional festival or a special event in your country1.Do people in your country grow plants at home?
You should say:2.What plants can people grow in cities?
What it is3.Are there any difficulties when people grow plants in cities?
At which festival/event you eat it4.Do most people prefer vegetables bought from the supermarket or grown at home?
How it is made5.Why do people like to have a big meal at traditional festivals or big events?
And explain why you like it6.Is it bad behavior for people to look at their phones during a meal?
Describe a place in your hometown/city that is different from other places and that you1.What are the differences between big cities and small cities?
enjoy visiting with your parents/friends2.Where do people in your hometown like to go?
You should say:3.What are the differences between the places young people like to go and the places old people like to go?
Where it is4.What do young people like to do in their leisure time?
What it is like5.Do you think it is necessary to visit the same place many times?
What you often do there6.What factors attract people to go to visit other places other than their hometown?
Who you often go there with
And explain why you think it is different
Describe a public park or garden1.Is it necessary to have public parks in cities?
You should say:2.What facilities are needed in a park?
Where it is3.What are the differences between a garden and a natural area?
What it is like4.Why do people like to visit tourist attractions?
How often you go there5.How can we encourage young people to go to parks more often?
What you often do there6.What tourist attractions are popular in China?
And explain how you feel about it
Describe a person who likes to make things by hand (e.g.toys, furniture)You should say:1.Are traditional handicrafts important to tourism?
Who this person is2.What are the benefits for students to learn to make things by hand?
What he/she makes3.Why do many children like to make things by hand?
Why he/she likes to make things by hand4.Are there any traditional handicrafts in your hometown?
And explain how you feel about the person5.Is it reasonable to charge a high price for handmade things?

6.How does modern technology change the handicraft industry?
Describe a photo that is special to you1.Who would take photos more often, young people or older people?
You should say:2.What do young people and old people like to take photos of?
When and where it was taken3.Why do some people pay a ton of money to hire professional photographers to take photos at some special occasions, such as weddings?
Who are in the photo
Why it is special to you
And explain whether you will keep it for a long time
Describe a skill that you learned from older people1.What can children learn from their parents?
You should say2.What knowledge can children learn from their grandparents?
What the skill is3.What kind of help do you think older people need?
Who you learned it from4.What skills can young people learn from older people?
How you learned it
And how you feel about it
Describe a crowded place you went to1.Which cities are overcrowded in your country?
You should say:2.Will there be more or less green space in cities in the future?
Where it wasWhen you went there3.Will people use bikes more or less in cities in the future?
Who you went there with4.Why do people go to crowded places?
What you did there5.Do you think there are some people who enjoy crowded places?
And how you felt about it6.Do you think it is a good trend to have more big cities?
Describe an ideal and perfect place where you would like to stay (e.g.a house, an apartment)1.What are apartments like in your country?
You should say:2.Why are apartments popular in some places while not in other places?
Where it would be3.What would people normally consider when they rent or buy a house or an apartment?
What it would look like4.Do different people have different preferences for houses or apartments?
What special features it would have5.Why do some people choose to live in the city center?
Whether it would be big or small6.What do you think buildings will be like in the future?
And explain why it would be an ideal place for you
Describe a movie you watched and enjoyed recently1.What kinds of movies do you think are successful in your country?
You should say:2.What are the factors that make a successful movie?
When and where you watched it3.Do Chinese people prefer to watch domestic movies or foreign movies?
Who you watched it with4.Do you think only well-known directors can create the best movies?
What it was about5.Do you think successful movies should have well-known actors or actresses in leading roles?
And explain why you watched this movie6.Why do people prefer to watch movies in the cinema?
Describe a person you know who has chosen a career in the medical field (e.g.a doctor, a nurse)1.Do you think doctors and nurses are very important?
You should say:2.Who plays a more important role, doctors or nurses?
Who he/she is3.Do you think that doctors and nurses are not paid enough?
What he/she does4.Do you think it is necessary to learn first aid skills?
Why he/she chose this career5.What are the differences between the work of a doctor and a nurse?
And explain how you feel about him/her6.Can a hospital function effectively without nurses?
Describe a person who likes to read a lot1.Why are many people so keen on reading?
You should say:Who this person is2.Do you think parents should help their children develop the reading habit from an early age?
How you knew him/her3.Is reading for fun or for work?
What he/she likes to read4.What reading topics are popular in your country?
And explain why you think he/she likes to read a lot5.What are the differences between paper books and movies?

6.Do you think people of all ages need to read?
Describe a challenge you faced that you thought was rather difficult1.What do children often do when they face a challenge?
You should say:2.Is it easy for children to overcome a challenge?
What it was3.Do most people choose to face a challenge alone or with others?
When and where you faced it4.What activities do you think would make children feel challenged? Why?
Why you thought it was a difficult challenge5.What challenges would people face when learning new sports?
And explain how you felt at the time6.Why do some people enjoy doing extreme sports?
Describe an occasion when you helped a family member/relative with something1.How can children help their parents at home?
You should say:2.Should parents always help their children with everything?
When it happened3.What can children learn by helping others?
Who you helped4.Do neighbours often help each other in your country?
How you helped5.How do people know that their neighbours might need help?
And explain how you felt about the experience6.Should parents reward their children when they help others?
Describe a time when you lost an important and valuable item1.What are some common items that people tend to lose easily?
You should say:2.What are the reasons why people often misplace or lose things?
When and where it happened3.What do people often do after losing things?
What it was4.What should parents do to teach their children not to lose things?
How important and valuable it was5.Is it important for students to be organized?
How you lost it6.Are there any good ways to remind us not to forget or lose things?
And explain how you felt about the experience










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