剑桥雅思真题19听力回忆版Test3 Listening

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剑桥雅思预测19听力回忆版Test3 Listening


剑雅19阅读题回忆版Test 3 Passage 1

Test 3



Questions 1-10

Questions 1-6

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ANDIOR A NUMBER for each answer.

Local food shops

Where to go

Kite Place - near the 1 .………

Fish market

cross the 2 .………....and turn right

best to go before 3………… pm, earlier than closing time

Organic shop

called 4 '………………'

below a restaurant in the large, grey building

look for the large 5 .……………...... outside


take a 6.....……… minibus, number 289

Questions 7-10

Complete the table below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.


To buyOther ideas
Fish marketa dozen prawnsa handful of 7.…………(type of seaweed)
Organic shopbeans and a 8…………for dessertspices and 9………………
Bakerya brown loafa10 …………tart


Questions 11-20

Questions 11-16

What information is given about each of the following festival workshops?

Choose SlX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-H, next to Questions 11-16.


A involves painting and drawing

B will be led by a prize-winning author

C is aimed at children with a disability

D involves a drama activity

E focuses on new relationships

F is aimed at a specific age group

G explores an unhappy feeling

H raises awareness of a particular culture

Festival workshops

11 Superheroes   …………

12 Just do it   …………

13 Count on me   …………

14 Speak up   …………

15 Jump for joy   …………

16 Sticks and stones   …………

Test 3

Questions 17 and 18

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Which TWO reasons does the speaker give for recommending Alive and Kicking?

A lt will appeal to both boys and girls.

B The author is well known.

C It has colourful illustrations.

D It is funny.

F It deals with an important topic.

Questions 19 and 20

Choose TwO letters, A-E.

Which TWo pieces of advice does the speaker give to parents about reading?

A Encourage children to write down new vocabulary.

B Allow children to listen to audio books.

C Get recommendations from librarians.

D Give children a choice about what they read.

E Only read aloud to children until they can read independently.


Questions 21-30

Questions 21-25

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

Science experiment for Year 12 students

21 How does Clare feel about the students in her Year 12 science class?

A worried that they are not making progress

B challenged by their poor behaviour in class

C frustrated at their lack of interest in the subject

22 How does Jake react to Clare's suggestion about an experiment based on children's diet?

A He is concerned that the results might not be meaningful.

B He feels some of the data might be difficult to obtain.

C He suspects that the conclusions might be upsetting.

23 What problem do they agree may be involved in an experiment involving animals?

A Any results may not apply to humans.

B It may be complicated to get permission.

C Students may not be happy about animal experiments.

24  What question do they decide the experiment should address?

A Are mice capable of controlling their food intake?

B Does an increase in sugar lead to health problems?

C How much do supplements of different kinds affect health?

25 Clare might also consider doing another experiment involving

A other types of food supplement.

B different genetic strains of mice.

C varying amounts of exercise.

Test 3

Questions 26-30

Complete the flowchart below.

Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letler, A-H, next to Questions 26-30.

A size

B escape

C age

D  water

E cereal

F calculations

G changes

H colour

Choose mice which are all the same 26 …………

Divide the mice into two groups, each with a different 27…………

Put each group in a separate cage.

Feed group A commercial mouse food.

Feed group B the same, but also sugar contained in 28…………

Take measurements using an electronic scale.

Place them in a weighing chamber to prevent 29…………

Do all necessary 30…………


Questions 31-40

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.


Where microplastics come from

fibres from some 31 ..……..during washing

the breakdown of large pieces of plastic

waste from industry

the action of vehicle tyres on roads

Effects of microplastics

They cause injuries to the 32 ..………… of wildlife and affect their digestive systems.

They enter the food chain, e.g., in bottled and tap water, 33 ..…………and seafood.

They may not affect human health, but they are already banned in skin cleaning products and 34..………… in some countries.

Microplastics enter the soil through the air, rain and 35………………

Microplastics in the soil - a study by Anglia Ruskin University

Earthworms are important because they add 36.……......... to the soil.

The study aimed to find whether microplastics in earthworms affect the 37………....of plants.

The study found that microplastics caused:

- 38 .…….... loss in earthworms

-fewer seeds to germinate

- a rise in the level of 39 .......…….... in the soil.

The study concluded:

-soil should be seen as an important natural process.

-changes to soil damage both ecosystems and 40…………











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