剑雅17 Test2阅读第19-23人名观点匹配题答案解析

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Test 2 Reading

剑雅17 Test 1 Passage2阅读原文章请查看剑雅17阅读真题Test2 Passage2原文

Passage  2   Questions 19-23

Look at the following statements (Questions 19–23) and the list of researchers below. 

Match each statement with the correct researcher, A–D.

Write the correct letter, A–D, in boxes 19–23 on your answer sheet. 

NB   You may use any letter more than once.

19    Domestication of certain plants could allow them to adapt to future environmental challenges.

20    The idea of growing and eating unusual plants may not be accepted on a large scale.

21    It is not advisable for the future direction of certain research to be made public.

22    Present efforts to domesticate one wild fruit are limited by the costs involved.

23    Humans only make use of a small proportion of the plant food available on Earth.

List of Researchers

A     Jorg Kudla

B     Caixia Gao

C     Joyce Van Eck   

D     Jonathan Jones


19、关键词future environmental challenges,出题句原文Section E第二段最后 一 句:By choosing wild plants that are drought or heat tolerant,says Gao,we could create crops that will thrive even as the planet warms.参考译文:高说,通过选择耐旱或耐热的野生植物,我们可以创造出在地球变暖的情况下仍能茁壮成长的作物。题干解析:Domestication of certain plants could allow them to adapt to future environmental challenges.译文:某些植物的驯化可以使它们适应未来的环境挑战。题干中的future environmental challenges对应原文中的drought or heat tolerant和as the  planet warms。答案为B Caixia Gao

20、关键词eating unusual plants ;may not be accepted,出题句原文Section E第一段 最后一句:But it will be hard for new foods to grow so popular  with farmers and consumers that theybecome new staple  crops,he thinks.参考译文但他认为,新食 品很难成为新的主食 作物受到农民和消费 者的欢迎。题干解析:The idea of  growing and eating unusual plants may not be accepted on a large scale.译文:种植和食用 不寻常植物的想法 可能不会被大规模 接受。题干中的unusual plants may not be accepted对应原文 hard for new goods.答案为D Jonathan Jones

21、关键词not advisable;future direction public,出题句原文Section E最后一段第一句:But Kudla didn't want to reveal which species were in his team's sights,because CRISPR has made the process so easy.‘Any one with the right skills could go to their lab and do this。’参考译文:但Kudla不想透露他的团队的研究对象是哪些物种,因为CRISPR使这个过程变得如此简单。题干解析:It is not advisable for the future direction of certain research to be made public.译文:某些研究的未来方向不宜公开。题干中 的 not advisable对应原文中的didn't want to reveal; future direction对应which species were in his team's sights。答案为A Jorg  Kudla

22、关键词Present efforts;limited by the costs,出题句原文Section D第二段最后一句:But she adds that taking the work further would be expensive because of the need to pay for a licence for he CRISPR technology and get regulatory  approval.参考译文:但她补充说,由于需要支付CRISPR技术的许可证并获得监管部门的批准,进一步开展这项工作的成本很高。题干解析:Present efforts to domesticate one wild fruit are limited by    the   costs involved。

译文:目前驯化一种野生水果的努力受到相关成本的限制。题干中的limited对应原文中的would be expensive;costs involved对应the need to pay for a licence  for  the CRISPR technology and get regulatory approval。答案为C Joyce Van Eck

23、关键词small proportion; plant food,出题句原文Section A第四段 最后一句‘There are  50,000 edible plants in the  world,but  90 percent of our energy comes from just 15 crops.'参考译文:世界上有5万种可食用 的植物,但我们90%  的能源仅来自15种作物。题干解析:Humans only  make use of a small proportion of the plant food available on Earth.译文:人类只利用地球上一小部分植物 性食物。题干中的make use  of 对应原文中的 edible plants;a small proportion对应just 15 crops。答案为A Jorg  Kudla



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