剑桥雅思19真题解析,阅读Test 2第38-40配对题
剑桥雅思19收集了雅思考试真题一共4套试卷(Test 1-Test 4)。羊驼雅思整理了剑雅19阅读试卷第二套题目解析,下面是38-40配对题的详细解析,供烤鸭们复习备考。
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定位词:根据题干人名 Eyre 以及'gifted' standards 定位到第六段。
解析:第六段介绍了 Eyre 教授的观点,即:most individuals can reach levels of performance associated in school with the gifted and talented. However, they must be taught the right attitudes and approaches to their learning and develop the attributes of high performers - curiosity, persistence and hard work, for example...(大多数人在学校的表现都能达到天才的水平。然而,他们必须被教导正确的学习态度和方法,并培养高水平人士的特质——例如好奇心、毅力和勤奋)。由此可见,Eyre 教授认为孩子们要想达到天才的水平,需要有正确的学习态度和方法,以及成功人士的优秀品质。C 选项 the development of a spirit of inquiry towards their studies(培养对学习的探究精神)与该表述一致。
定位词:根据题干关键词 Ericsson's research 定位到倒数第四段。
解析:倒数第四段介绍了 Ericsson 的研究结论,即:... he doesn't think unique and innate talents are at the heart of performance. Deliberate practice, that stretches you every step of the way, and around 10.000 hours of it, is what produces the goods.(他不认为独特和天生的才能是表现的核心。刻意练习能让你每走一步都有所进步,大约 1 万个小时的练习才是取得成效的关键)。由此可知,Ericsson 认为天赋并不是成功的关键,刻意练习才是,B 选项 Being born with a special gift is not the key factor in becoming expert.(生来就有的特殊天赋并不是成为专家的关键因素)与Ericsson 的观点表述一致。
定位词:根据题干关键词 penultimate paragraph 定位到倒数第二段。
解析:倒数第二段介绍了关于贫困儿童成功原因的研究结果,对应原文:Interviews uncovered strong evidence of an adult or adults in the child's life who valued and supported education, either in the immediate or extended family or in the child's wider community.(采访发现了强有力的证据,表明在孩子的生活中都有一个或多个成年人重视和支持教育,无论是在直系亲属或大家庭中,还是在孩子生活的更广泛的社区中。),这些贫困儿童取得成功的关键在于他们身边有重视和支持教育的成年人,D选项the guidance of someone who recognises the benefits of learning.(认识到学习的好处的人的指导)与原文表述一致。