剑雅17 Test4听力18-20题答案解析及考试题目

剑桥雅思17共收集了雅思真题4套,以下是羊驼小编整理了第四套听力真题答案及解析Test 4 Listening,以下是雅思听力真题第二部分Part 2第18-20题的题目、答案及雅思真题解析,供小伙伴们复习参考。想要了解更多关于剑雅17听力和阅读真题答案及解析的考生可查看剑桥雅思17听力阅读真题答案及解析汇总

剑雅17 Test4听力18-20题答案解析及考试题目

Test 4 Listening

PART  2        Questions 18-20

Which way of reducing staff turnover was used in each of the following hotels?

Write the correct letter, A, B or C, next to Questions 15–20.

Ways of reducing staff turnover

A、improving relationships and teamwork

B、offering incentives and financial benefits

C、providing career opportunities


18、Pentlow Hotels                                           

19、Green Planet                                           

20、The Amesbury                                          

本文是18-20题题目及答案解析,点击查看剑雅17 Test4听力15-17题答案解析及考试题目


18、用题干Pentlow Hotels做定位,对应原文:Pentlow Hotels identified that retention of junior reception staff was an issue.In order to encourage them to see that working  in  a  hotel could be worthwhile and rewarding,with  good  prospects,they  introduced a management programme.Pentlow  introduced management programme,   对应选项C

19、用题干Green Planet做定位,对应原文:Green Planet wanted to be seen as a caring employer.To make    life easier for staff,many of whom had childcare responsibilities,the hotel began issuing vouchers to  help  cover the cost of childcare. Help cover the cost of childcare属 于benefits,   答案为选项B

20、用题干The  Amesbury做定位,对应原文:Louise Marsh  at  The Amesbury  ...she has made a huge  effort  to  achieve  this by creating a co-operative and supportive environment.For her,the staff  are  part of a large family  where everyone is valued. Co-operative and supportive  environment,a  large family对应improve relationships and teamwork,答案为选项A


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