从结构角度来看,对比句子可以采用多种句式结构。一种常见的结构是使用连词“while”来连接两个相反或相对的事物或者数据。例如,在描述两座城市的人口增长情况时,“City A's population has been increasing rapidly over the past decade, while City B has witnessed a steady decline in its population.”这种结构简单明了,能够让读者迅速抓住两者之间的差异。此外,“although/though”引导的让步状语从句也能很好地体现对比关系。“Although City A has better infrastructure, City B attracts more tourists due to its rich cultural heritage.”这里先承认一方有优势,但紧接着强调另一方的独特之处,形成鲜明对比。
从内容方面来说,对于图表类的小作文,对比要基于图中的关键数据。如果是一张柱状图显示不同年龄段人们对某种运动项目的喜爱程度,就需要找出各个年龄段的最大值和最小值进行对比。“The number of people who love basketball reaches its peak among the age group of 20 30, which is 80%, while it drops dramatically to only 10% for those over 60 years old.”同时,也要注意对比趋势。当比较两种产品在过去五年的销售量变化时,“Product A's sales have shown an upward trend throughout the five years, with a significant increase of 50%. By contrast, Product B's sales have fluctuated greatly and even decreased by 30% in the last two years.”
从语言表达上看,词汇的多样性有助于增强对比句子的表现力。除了上面提到的连词,还可以运用一些特定的表达方式。像“on one hand……on the other hand……”,“in contrast”,“compared with……”。比如“On one hand, the cost of living in urban areas has risen sharply. On the other hand, rural regions maintain a relatively low level of living expenses.”“Compared with the traditional education methods, modern online education offers more flexibility and convenience.”