




一、plan to 我打算 

1、l am planning to further my study at UK

2、I've decided to transfer my major to computer science

3、I think I will be finding a job after my graduation

4、1 am thinking offinding a part-time job

5、I intend to give up smoking

6、My intention is to pass IELTS first

二、I don't like 我不喜欢 

1、To be honest, sport is not my thing / not my cup of tea

2、Frankly speaking, I find going shopping is unpleasant / drag / dull / lame

3、I am afraid that I am not a fan of parties

4、I can't walk up any enthusiasm for climbing mountains

5、Personaly,I can take it or leave it

6、I have to admit I rather dislike snakes

7、I hate getting up so early in the morning

三、Preference 我更偏好 

1、If you ask me, I guess my choice / answer / preference would be the latter one

2、I would rather walk instead of riding a bike

3、I prefer being a driver over being a passenger

4、Among all choices, I am partial towards apple particularly

5、I consider pop music is more enjoyable than other types

6、It is more likely to be cheaper if we eat at home

四、Speculating 可能,也许 

1、In my opinion, perhaps passing ILETS is more difficult than it seems

2、It is very possible / likely that online information is fraudulent and misleading

3、I have never thought ofthis question, but I imagine / suspect / guess / suppose 18th birthday is more meaningful

4、Being a politician must be challenging, since they have to take the responsibility and make right choices.

五、I hope that 我希望 

1、Hopefully / wishfully, I am able to be accepted by my dream university

2、I expect that I could have a stable life

3、I am very anticipated about the new life lam about to have

4、I am quite looking forward to seeing you again

5、I keep my fingers crossed/sincerely pray that they can make it

六、I must / have to 我必须,我应该 

1、1 am required to hand out my assignment by 6pm today

2、It is my duty / commitment / responsibility / obligation / liability to take care of you

3、I should/ought to keep my mouth shut since I made a promise before

4、We are bound to/are supposed to / are meant to take this responsibility

5、We are committed to finish this job on time.

七、I think 我认为 

1、In my opinion/from my perspectivelas I see it, benefits ofriding a bike are multiple / manifold 

2、As far as I am concerned / it seems to me that people's incentives of buying imported goods depend on different needs

3、Above all,I consider the most difficult part / most intriguing aspect / the biggest reason / the best way of keeping fit is ……

4、I strongly / do believe that governments are supposed to play an essential role of protecting historical buildings



a drop in the ocean
blow one's mind 大吃一惊
bury the hatchet 言归于好
black and white 非黑即白
break aleg祝好运
cool asacucumber泰然自若
get it out of one's system 不吐不快
go up in flames毁于一日
get one's act together振作精神
hit the books 用功学习
leave no stone unturned 想方设法
piece of cake轻而易举
turn overanew leaf重新开始
think outside the box独辟蹊径
take with a grain of salt半信半疑
pull arabbit out of a hat 使出奇招
to keep up with the Joneses 与人攀比
put it another way 换一句话说
play with fire 轻举妄动
be boomed with 繁荣兴旺
green around the grills脸色发青
the heavens open 倾盆大雨
in the dark 一无所知,不知道
on thin ice如履薄冰
off the hook摆脱困境
go places有所进展
It's beyond me 我不明白
come out of the blue 太意外了
drop abombshell做意外声明
Boggle the mind 难以想象
Pigs may fly!根本不可能
Seeing is believing眼见为实
like the back of the hand 了如指掌
couldn't care less 毫不在乎
chuffed to bits 心满意足
by the skin of one'steeth 侥幸成功
sit on the fence 犹豫不决
hit the nail on the head 说中要害
judge a book by its cover以貌取人
bite off more than you can chew不自量力


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