









Describe something you own that you want to replace

You should say:

What it is

Where it is

How you got it

And explain why you want to replace it

1.Does consumption have any impact o the environment?

2.Why do people always want to buy new things to replace old ones?

3.Why do you think some people replace things more often than others?

4.Why do young people change things more often than old people?

5.Why do some people like to buy expensive things?

6.Why do some people prefer to buy things in the supermarket rather than online?


Describe a place you have been to where things are expensive

You should say:

Where the place is

What the place is

Why you went there

What you bought there

And explain why you think things are expensive there

1.Why do some people still use cash?

2.Will the payment be paperless in the future?

3.What do you think of the view that time is as important as money?

4.Is it more important to choose a job with a high salary or with more time off?

5.How important is it to have a variety of payment option?

6.Why are things more expensive in some places than in others?


Describe an indoor or outdoor place where it is easy for you to study

You should say:

Where it is

What it is like

When you go there

What you study there

And explain why you would like to study in this place

1.Do you like to learn on your own or with others?

2.What’s the difference between learning face-to-face with teachers and learning by yourself?

3.Do you prefer to study at home or study in other places?

4.What are the benefits of gaining work experience while studying?

5.Do most people like to study in a noisy place?

6.What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying with other people?


Describe a time when you missed or were late for an important meeting/event

You should say:

When it happened

What happened

Why you missed/were late for it

And explain how you felt about this experience

1.Are you a punctual person?

2.Do you think it is important to be on time?

3.Do you always avoid being late?

4.Why are people often late for meetings or appointments?

5.Are people in your country often late for meetings?

6.Do you think people are born with time management skills or they can develop them?


Describe a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking with

You should say:

What party it was

Who this person is

What you talked about

And explain why you enjoyed talking with him/her

1.In what situations would people be willing to get to know new people?

2.Where do people go to meet new people?

3.How do people start a conversation?

4.Is it difficult for Chinese people to communicate with people from other countries?

5.Why are some people unwilling to have conversations with others?

6.Is it difficult for adults to talk with children?


Describe your favorite place in your house where you can relax

You should say:

Where it is

What it is like

What you enjoy doing there

And explain why you feel relaxed at this place

1.Why is it difficult for some people to relax?

2.What are the benefits of doing exercise?

3.Do people in your country exercise after work?

4.What is the place where people spend most of their time at home?

5.Do you think there should be classes for training young people and children how to relax?

6.Which is more important, mental relaxation or physical relaxation?


Describe an occasion you wore the best clothes

You should say:

When it was

What you wore

Why you wore it

And how you felt about it

1.Do you think people need to wear formally in the workplace?

2.Why do some people like to wear traditional clothes?

3.Will traditional clothes disappear in the future?

4.Do old people change their style of dressing?


Describe a person who thinks music is important and enjoys music

You should say:

Who this person is

How you knew him/her

What music he/she likes

Why he/she thinks music is important

And explain how you feel about him/her

1.What do you think about playing music for children in class?

2.Why do many teachers incorporate music into the classroom?

3.Do you think there are any advantages to a shop with music playing?

4.Would people’s shopping behaviour be affected in a shop with music?

5.What do you think would be the effect of background music in a film?

6.Why are musical movies so popular?


Describe a time when you taught a friend/relative something

You should say:

Who you taught

What/How you taught

What the result was

And explain how you felt about the experience

1.What practical skills can young people teach old people?

2.How can young people teach old people skills?

3.How can we know what to do when we want to learn something new?

4.Do you think ‘showing’ is a better way than ‘telling’ in education?

5.Do people in your country like to watch videos to learn something?

6.What skills can young people teach old people besides technology?


Describe a person you know who is talented

You should say:

Who this person is

How and where you knew this person

Why you think he/she is talented

And explain how you found out that he/she is talented

1.How do you think schools should help children develop their talents?

2.What do you think of talented people and AI?

3.Have you ever had any experience with things related to AI?

4.Do you think AI will replace human beings?


Describe a historical building you have been to

You should say:

Where it is

What it looks like

What it is used for now

What you learned there

And how you felt about this historical building

1.Why do people visit historical buildings?

2.Do Chinese people like to visit historical buildings?

3.Do most people agree to the government’s funding to protect historical buildings?

4.Is it necessary to protect historical buildings?


Describe a place you visited where the air was polluted

You should say:

Where the place is

When you visited it

Why the air was not good

And explain how you felt about the place

1.Is there more pollution now than in the past?

2.Do you think the city is cleaner or dirtier than the countryside? Why?

3.What can factories and power plants do to reduce pollutants?

4.Do you think the wind has any effect on pollution? How?

5.In what ways can air pollution be reduced effectively?

6.Do you think many companies have been forced to reduce pollutants?


Describe a daily routine that you enjoy

You should say:

What it is

When and why you started to follow this routine

Whether it is easy to follow this routine

And explain why you enjoy having this routine in your daily life

1.Should children have learning routines?

2.What are the advantages of children having a routine at school?

3.Does having a routine make kids feel more secure at school?

4.How do people’s routines differ on weekdays and weekends?

5.What daily routines do people have at home?

6.What are the differences between people’s daily routines now and in the last 15 years?


Describe a difficult thing you did and succeeded

You should say:

What it was

How you overcame the difficulties

Whether you got help

And explain how you felt after you succeeded

1.Should people set goals for themselves?

2.How would you define success?

3.How can we judge whether young people are successful nowadays?

4.Are successful people often lonely?

5.What kinds of success can students achieve at school?

6.Should students be proud of their success?


Describe an important plant in your country

You should say:

What it is

Where you see it

What it looks like

And explain why it is important

1.What are the features of living in the countryside?

2.Should schools teach children how to grow plants?

3.Why do some people prefer to live in the countryside?

4.Have new kinds of plants been grown in your city recently?

5.Why do some people like to keep plants at home?

6.Are there many trees in your city?


Describe a person who likes to buy goods with low prices

You should say:

Who this person is

What this person likes to buy

Where this person likes to buy things

And explain why this person likes cheap goods

1.What are the differences between shopping in a shopping mall and in a street market?

2.Which is more commonly visited in China, shopping malls or street markets?

3.Is advertising important?

4.What are the disadvantages of shopping in a street market?

5.How do you buy cheap products?

6.Do you think things are more expensive in big shopping malls?


Describe another city you would like to stay for a short time

You should say:

Where the city is

Why you want to go there

Whom you will go there with

What you will do there

And explain why you will stay there just for a short time

1.Why is the noise pollution worse in tourism cities than in other cities?

2.Do most people like planned travelling?

3.Do you think tourists may come across bad things in other cities?

4.Why do places with historical sites develop tourism industry more actively?

5.Why are historical cities popular?

6.Why do people sometimes go to other cities or other countries to travel?


Describe a piece of technology you own that you feel is difficult to use

You should say:

When you got it

What you got it for

How often you use it

And explain how you feel about it

1.Does the development of technology affect the way we study? How?

2.What changes has the development of technology brought about in our lives?

3.Why do technology companies keep upgrading their products?

4.Why are people so keen on buying iPhones even though they haven’t changed much from one iPhone to the next?

5.Why do big companies introduce new products frequently?

6.What technology do people currently use?


Describe an advertisement you have seen but you did not like

You should say:

Where and when you saw it

What the advertisement was for

What you could see in the advertisement

And explain why you did not like the advertisement

1.What role does social media play in advertising?

2.Does advertising encourage us to buy things we don’t need?

3.What do you think of celebrity endorsements in advertising?

4.What are the benefits of advertising?

5.Which one is more effective, newspaper advertising or online advertising?

6.What are the most advertised products in your country?


Describe a website you often visit

You should say:

What it is about

How you found out about it

How often you visit it

And explain why you often visit it

1.What are differences between old people and young people when they use the internet?

2.What kinds of people would still go to the library to read and study?

3.Is the library still necessary? Why?

4.Why do some people like to read the news on the internet instead of getting it from TV?

5.What’s the difference between the internet and television?

6.What are the most popular and least popular apps in China?


Describe your first day at school that you remember

You should say:

Where the school was

How you went there

What happened that day

And how you felt on that day

1.What would parents prepare when their kids go to school on the first day?

2.How do children socialize with each other?

3.Is socialization important for children?

4.What are the reasons for job change?

5.Are big companies better than small companies? Why?

6.What are the advantages and disadvantages coming along with changing jobs?


Describe an unusual meal you had

You should say:

When you had it

Where you had it

Whom you had it with

And explain why it was unusual

1.What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating in restaurants?

2.What fast foods are there in your country?

3.Do people eat fast food at home?

4.Why do some people choose to eat out instead of ordering takeout?

5.Do people in your country socialize in restaurants? Why?

6.Do people in your country value food culture?

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