剑雅17 Test 1 Passage2阅读23–24题答案解析

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剑雅17 Test 1 Passage2阅读23–24题答案解析

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Test 1 Passage2

Questions 23 and 24

Choose TWO letters, A–E.

Write the correct letters in boxes 23 and 24 on your answer sheet.

When comparing twentieth-century stadiums to ancient amphitheatres in Section D, which TWO negative features does the writer mention?

A、They are less imaginatively designed.

B、They are less spacious.

C、They are in less convenient locations.

D、They are less versatile.

E、They are made of less durable materials.


定位词Section D, negative features.原文出题句及解析Section D第一段第二句:But some of the flexibility was lost at the beginning of the 20th century.参考译文:但在20世纪初,一些灵活 性丧失了。Section D第二段第一句:Many such stadiums are situated in suburban areas,  designed for sporting use only and  surrounded by parking lots.These factors mean that they may not be as accessible to the general public.参考译文:许多这样的体育场位于郊区,仅设计用于运动,周围有停车场,这些因素意味着它们可能无法为公众使用。题干:When comparing twentieth-century stadiums to ancient amphitheatres in Section  D,which  TWO  negative features does the writer mention?

A、They are less imaginatively designed. B、They are less spacious C、They  are  in  less convenient  locations. D、They are less versatile E、They are made of less durable materials.

译文:在Section D中比较二十世纪体育场和古代圆形剧场时,作者提到了哪两个负面特征?

A、它们的设计缺乏想象 力。


C、他们在不太方便的地 方。


E、它们是由不太耐用的材 料制成的。

Section D第一段第二句  的some of the flexibility was lost对应选项中的less versatile.

Section D第二段situated in suburban areas对应选项中的less convenient  locations.



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