




Describe a crowded place you went to描述一个你去过的拥挤的地方
You should say:你应该说:
When you went there当你去那里的时候
Who you went there with你和谁一起去的
Why you went there你为什么去那里
And how you felt about it以及你对此的感受
Describe an ideal and perfect place where you would like to stay, e.g. a house or an apartment描述一个你想待的理想的、完美的地方,例如房子或公寓
You should say:你应该说:
Where it would be它会在哪里
What it would look like那会是什么样子
What special features it would have它会有多么特别的功能啊
And explain why it would be an ideal place for you并解释为什么它对你来说是一个理想的地方
Describe a cultural place that you would like to learn the culture there(e.g. a library, museum,theatre)描述一个你想了解那里文化的地方,比如图书馆,博物馆,剧院
You should say:你应该说:
Where it is它在哪里?
How you knew this place你怎么知道这个地方的
What it is like它是什么样的?
And explain how the place is related to culture并解释这个地方与文化的关系
Describe a room you really like in another person's home描述一个你非常喜欢的别人家的房间
You should say:你应该说:
Where it is它在哪里?
What it is like它是什么样的?
What you can do in it你可以在里面做什么
And explain why you really like it解释一下你为什么喜欢它
Describe a public park or garden描述一个公共公园或花园
You should say:你应该说:
Where it is它在哪里?
What it is like它是什么样的?
How often you go there你多久去一次
What you often do there你经常在那里做什么
And explain how you feel about it解释一下你的感受
Describe a place in your hometown/city that is different from other places and you would like to visit with your parents/friends描述一个在你的家乡/城市不同于其他地方,你想和你的父母/朋友一起去的地方
You should say:你应该说:
Where it is它在哪里?
Why you think it is different为什么你认为它不同
Who you would like to go there with你想和谁一起去
And explain whether you have been there并解释你是否去过那里
Describe a place you have been to where you can see wild animals描述一个你去过的可以看到野生动物的地方
You should say:你应该说:
Where it is它在哪里?
When you went there当你去那里的时候
What animals you saw there你在那儿看到了什么动物啊
How you feel about the place你觉得这个地方怎么样


1.What are apartments like in your country?1.你们国家的公寓是什么样的?
2.Why are apartments welcome in some places while not in other places?2.为什么公寓在一些地方受欢迎,而在另一些地方不受欢迎?
3.What would people normally consider when they rent or buy a house or an apartment?3.人们在租房或买房时通常会考虑什么?
4.Do different people have different preferences for houses or apartments?4.不同的人对房子或公寓有不同的偏好吗?
5.Why do some people choose to live in the city center?5.为什么有些人选择住在市中心?
6.What do you think buildings will be like in the future?6.你认为未来的建筑会是什么样子?
1.Which cities are crowded in your country?1.你们国家哪些城市最拥挤?
2.Will there be more or less green space in cities in the future?2.未来城市的绿地会多还是少?
3.Will people use bikes more or less in cities in the future?3.未来城市里人们会更多还是更少地使用自行车?
4.Why do people go to crowded places?4.人们为什么要去拥挤的地方?
5.Do you think there are some people who enjoy crowded places?5.你认为有些人喜欢拥挤的地方吗?
6.Do you think it is a good trend to have more big cities?6.你认为有更多的大城市是一个好的趋势吗?
1.How does the internet affect culture?1.互联网是如何影响文化的?
2.How is a culture formed?2.文化是如何形成的?
3.What kind of culture is popular among the young?3.年轻人中流行什么样的文化?
4.How do young people learn about different cultures?4.年轻人如何了解不同的文化?
5.Which is more important in terms of culture,literature or music?5.就文化而言,文学和音乐哪个更重要?
6.Does the culture of the past have an impact on today's culture?6.过去的文化对今天的文化有影响吗?
1.Do you like to invite your friends to your home?1.你喜欢邀请你的朋友来你家吗?
2.Why do people often take gifts with them when they visit others homes?2.为什么人们在拜访别人家的时候经常带着礼物?
3.Who likes to stay at home more, young people or old people?3.年轻人和老年人,谁更喜欢呆在家里?
4.Do you think old people will be able to keep up with the pace of technology in 50 years?4.你认为50年后老年人还能跟上科技的步伐吗?
5.Who likes to stay at home more, young people or old people?5.年轻人和老年人,谁更喜欢呆在家里?
6.Do you think old people will be able to keep up with the pace of technology in 50 years?6.你认为50年后老年人还能跟上科技的步伐吗?
1.ls it necessary to have public parks in cities?1.城市里有必要有公园吗?
2.What facilities are needed in a park?2.公园里需要什么设施?
3.What are the differences between a garden and a natural area?3.花园和自然区域有什么区别?
4.Why do people like to visit tourist attractions?4.为什么人们喜欢参观旅游景点?
5.What tourist attractions are popular in China?5.中国有哪些热门旅游景点?
6.How can we encourage young people to go to parks more often?6.我们怎样才能鼓励年轻人多去公园呢?
1.What are the differences between big cities and small cities?1.大城市和小城市有什么不同?
2.Where do people in your hometown like to go?2.你家乡的人喜欢去哪里?
3.What are the differences between the places young people like to go and the places old people like to go?3.年轻人喜欢去的地方和老年人喜欢去的地方有什么不同?
4.What do young people like to do in their leisure time?4.年轻人在闲暇时间喜欢做什么?
5.Do you think it is necessary to visit the same place many times?5.你认为有必要多次参观同一个地方吗?
6.What factors attract people to go to visit other places other than their hometown?6.什么因素吸引人们到家乡以外的地方旅游?
1.Why are most children interested in wild animals?1.为什么大多数孩子对野生动物感兴趣?
2.Should parents take their children to see wild animals?2.父母应该带孩子去看野生动物吗?
3.Are wild animals easy to spot?3.野生动物容易被发现吗?
4.Are there many wildlife documentaries produced in your country?4.你们国家有很多野生动物纪录片吗?
5.What impacts does only seeing wild animals in zoos have on children's understanding of these animals?5.只在动物园里看野生动物对孩子们对这些动物的认识有什么影响?
6.Which is the better way to see wildlife, watching documentaries or going into the wild?6.看纪录片和走进野外,哪一种方式更好看野生动物?


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