剑雅17 Test2听力11-14题答案解析及考试题目

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剑雅17 Test2听力11-14题答案解析及考试题目

Test 2 Listening

PART  2    Question 11-14

Choose the correct letter,A, B,C or D.

Oniton Hall

11、Many past owners made changes to

        A     the gardens. 

        B     the house.   

        C     the farm.

12、Sir Edward Downes built Oniton Hall because he wanted

        A     a place for discussing politics. 

        B     a place to display his wealth.   

        C     a place for artists and writers.

13、Visitors can learn about the work of servants in the past from

        A     audio guides.

        B     photographs.

        C     people in costume.

14、What is new for children at Oniton Hall? 

        A     clothes for dressing up.

        B     mini tractors.

        C     the adventure playground.


11、题干past  owners 做定位,注意changes,   可能会出现不同的时间,对应原文:Almost  all  of  them  have  left  their  mark,generally  by  adding  new  rooms,like  the ballroom  and  conservatory,or  by  demolishing  others.Almost  all  of  them对应题干中 的 many  past  owners,left  their  mark  by  adding  newrooms,对应选项B. 然后能听到干扰选项Farm,The  farm  looks  much  as  it's  always  done,farm其实没多大啥变化。正确答案为B.

12、定位词SirEdward  Downes,Oniton  Hall,  注意听原因,在定位词之后首先能听到的是His intention was to escape from the world of politics,跟选项A  politics有关, 但是原文跟选项不一致,然后听到的是and tobuild anew house worthy of his big  collection   of  books,paintings   and   sculptures,worthy   of  his   big   collection..不是B选 项 的display   his   wealth 。 紧接 着的是He   brokeoff  contact   with  his  former    political  llies,and  hosted  meetings  of  creative  and  literary  people,like   painters  and   poets.creative  and  literary  people,like  painters  and  poets对应C选项的artists  and   writers.答案为C.

13 、定位词Visitors,the  work  of  servants  in  the  past,注意题干的in  the  past,首先能听到的是选项B   photographs,原 文 :Photographs  of course don't give much  of an   idea 直接否定了,接着能听到的是C选项,原文you'llsee  volunteers  dressed  up  as nineteenth-century  servants,going  about  their  work.dressed  up  as  nineteenth-century   servants   对应选项中的in   costume.这个内容之后还是能听到A  audio guides的 内 容,原文We've just introduced this feature to replace the audio guide we used to have available.  注意这里说的是to replace the  audio  guide.答案为C.

14 、定位词children,   注意题干的new。首先能听到是AC 选 项 ,Well  we  have several   activities specially for children,like dressing up in the sortsof clothes that children wore in the past,and as it's a fine day,some of you will probably want to play in the adventure playground.  选择题技巧,并列不选,进阶着能听到的是: Our latest  addition  is  child-sizedtractors,that  you   can   drive   around   thegrounds.Latest对应题干中的new, child-sized    tractors 对应题干的mini  tractors,答案为B.



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