剑雅18阅读Test 4第27-30判断题答案解析

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剑雅18阅读Passage 3真题答案解析

Test 4 Reading

剑雅18 Test 4 Passage 3阅读原文章请查看剑雅18阅读真题Test4 Passage3原文

Passage  3    Questions 27-30

Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 3?

In boxes 27-30 on your answer sheet,write

YES   if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer
NOif the statement contradicts the claims of the writer
NOT GIVENif it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

27 Wegener's ideas about continental drift were widely disputed while he was alive.

28 The idea that the continents remained fixed in place was defended in a number of respected scientific publications.

29  Wegener  relied  on  a  limited  range  of  scientific  fields  to  support  his  theory  of continental    drift.

30 The similarities between Wegener's theory of continental drift and modern-day plate tectonics are enormous.




27. YES,题干意思W关于大陆漂移的观点在他活着的时候就受到质疑。第一段最后一句话,was the focus of ... in his lifetime and for ...。前面提到了大陆漂移,然后提到了这个理论记载在了一本书中。这本书在他生前和死后都是国际上的争议。得出答案。

28. NOT GIVEN,题干意思是陆地保持不动的观点受到一些受人追捧的科学巨作的支持。第二段倒数第四行,Yet.. natural selection. 这里确实有提到达尔文和进化论,但是是以现代进化论是传承自达尔文的自然选择理论为一个例子,板块构造传承自AW的大陆漂移理论。所以跟题干意思无关。

29. NO,题干意思是W依靠有限的几个专业领域的知识来支持大陆漂移理论。第二段第三行,Wegener showed in great ... including geology, geophysics, paleontology, and climatology. W以大量细节阐述了大陆偏移的可行性及如何进行的,使用了来自几个学科的大量证据。一个是有限,一个是大量,得出答案。

30. NO,W的大陆漂移理论和现代的版块构造的相似性很高。第二段第七行,Plate tectonics is ... W’ proposal. 版块构造理论在很多方面都和W的想法不同。得出答案。


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