剑雅17阅读37-40填空题Test2 Passage3答案解析

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剑雅17阅读真题Test2 Passage3题目解析

Test 2 Reading

剑雅17 Test 2 Passage3阅读原文章请查看剑雅17阅读真题Test2 Passage3原文

Passage  2   Questions 37-40

Complete the summary using the list of words, A–G, below.

Write the correct letter, A–G, in boxes 37–40 on your answer sheet.

The origins of creative behaviour

The traditional view of scientific discovery is that breakthroughs happen when single great mind has sudden 37                              . Although this can occur, it is not often the case. Advances are more likely to be the result of a longer process.

In some cases, this process involves 38                               , such as Nicholson’s theory about proto-elements. In others, simple necessity may provoke innovation,

as with Westrope’s decision to modify the position of his riding stirrups. There is also often an element of 39                              , for example, the coincidence of ideas that led to the invention of the Post-It note. With both the Law of Natural Selection and     the Law of Effect, there may be no clear 40                               involved, but merely a  process of variation and selection.

A     invention                    B     goals                          C     compromise

D     mistakes                    E      luck                            F      inspiration

G     experiments

剑雅17阅读真题Test2 Passage3答案及解析


37、定位词traditional view;breakthroughs。原文出题句:原文第一段 Conventional wisdom also places great  weight on insight in promoting breakthrough scientific achievements,as if ideas spontaneously pop into someone's head-fully formed  and functional.参考译文:在推动突破性的科学成就方面,传统智慧也非常重视洞察力,就好像想法会自然而然地出现在某人的脑海 中——完全形成并发挥作用。题干解析:The traditional view of scientific discovery is that breakthroughs happen when a single great  mind has sudden。译文:传统的科学发现观认为,当一个伟大的头脑突然出现时,就会出现突破。本题为形容词考点,预判空格答案为名词。题干中的traditional view对应原文中的Conventional wisdom, sudden对应spontaneously pop into。 原文答案为ideas,对应框里的答案为inspiration。剑雅17第37题参考答案为F inspiration

38、定位词Nicholson's: proto-elements。原文出题句:原文第四段第三句These successes are all the more noteworthy given the fact that Nicholson was wrong about the presence of proto-elements:they do not actually exist。参考译文:鉴于尼科 尔森对原始元素存在的看法是错误的,这些成功更值得注 意:它们实际上并不存在。题干解析:In some cases  this process involves _, such as Nicholson's  theory about proto-elements 译文:在某些情况下,这一过程涉及,例如尼科尔森关于原始   元素的理论。本题为动词考点,预判空格答案为名词。原文中的wrong对应框里的mistakes.剑雅17第38题参考答案为D mistakes

39、定位词Post-It note。原文出题句:原文第七段第一句Plenty of other stories show that fresh advances can arise from   error, misadventure,and also pure serendipity。-a happy accident.参 考译文:许多其他的故事表明,新的进步可能来自错误、不幸,也可能来自纯粹的偶然--一个愉快的意外。题干解析:There is also of ten an element of for example,the  coincidence of ideas that led to the invention of the Post-It note.译文:还有一个因素往往是,例如,思想的巧合导致了便利贴的发明。本题为介词举例考点,预判空格答案为名词。题干中的for example对应原文中的examples;原文中的pure serendipity和 happy accident对应框中的luck。剑雅17第39题参考答案为E luck

40、定位词Law of Natural Selection Lawof Effect。原文出题句:原文第九段最后一 句Just like Darwin's Law of Natural Selection,the Law of Effect involves an entirely mechanical process of variation and selection,without any end objective in sight.参考译文:就像达尔文的自然选择定律一样,效应定律涉及一个完全机械的变异和选择过程,没有任何最终目标。题干解析:With both the Law of Natural Selection and the Law of Effect,there may be no clear involved, but merely a process of variation and selection 译文:有了自然选择定律和效应定律,可能没有明确的涉及,而仅仅是一个变异和选择的过程。本题为动词考点,预判空格答案为名词。题干中的no clear对应原文中的without any end  objective in sight,原文 答案objective对应框中的goals。剑雅17第40题参考答案为B goals


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