
剑桥雅思17共收集了雅思真题4套,羊驼雅思整理了第三套听力真题答案及解析Test 3 Listening,以下是听力第四部分Part 4第31-40填空题的题目、答案及解析,供烤鸭们复习参考。



Test 3 Listening


Questions 31–40

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Bird Migration Theory

Most birds are believed to migrate seasonally.

Hibernation theory

• It was believed that birds hibernated underwater or buried themselves in 31……

• This theory was later disproved by experiments on caged birds.

Transmutation theory

• Aristotle believed birds changed from one species into another in summer and winter.

– In autumn he observed that redstarts experience the loss of 32……and thought they then turned into robins.

– Aristotle’s assumptions were logical because the two species of birds had a similar 33……

17th century

• Charles Morton popularised the idea that birds fly to the 34……in winter.

Scientific developments

• In 1822. a stork was killed in Germany which had an African spear in its 35……

– previously there had been no 36……that storks migrate to Africa

• Little was known about the 37……and journeys of migrating birds until the practice of ringing was established.

– It was thought large birds carried small birds on some journeys because they were considered incapable of travelling across huge 38……

– Ringing depended on what is called the 39‘……’of dead birds.

• In 1931,the first 40……to show the migration of European birds was printed.


31、Hibernation theory做大范围定位,hibernated underwater 可以做定位,同时跟 buried themselves是并列关系,注意并列提示信息,预判答案填名词。对应原文Another theory for the regular appearance and  disappearance of birds was that they spent winter hidden in mud.这句话之前出现hibernate 和underwater,another theory表示跟前面的并列,原文中的hidden对应题干的buried,  答案填mud

32、Transmutation theory,Aristotle做大范围定位,题干autumn,redstarts做定位,预判the loss of可能会出现替换,答案填名词,对应原文:He observed that in the autumn, small  birds  called 'redstarts' began to lose  their   feathers.Autumn,  redstarts原文原词出现,lose 对应题干的loss,  答案为feathers

33、Aristotle's assumptions做定位,预判答案填名词单数,对应原文:These assumptions are understandable  given that this pair of species are similar in shape. Assumption是原词,understandable 对应题干的logical,this pair of species 对应 题干的two species of birds,similar是原词没有发生替换,答案为shape

34、定位用17th century,Charles Morton,预判答案填地点名词,对应原文:He wrote a surprisingly well-regarded paper claiming that birds migrate to the moon and back every year.  此处a surprisingly well-regarded paper claiming对应题干中的 popularised the idea,migrate to对应题干中的fly to,答案填 moon

35、用1822,stork,Germany,an African spear 题干定位,预判答案为名词,对应原文:One of the key moments in the development of migration theory came in 1822 when a white stork was shot in  Germany.This particular stork made history because of the long spear in its neck.定位词都是原词出现,答案为neck。

36、定位用Africa,  题干中需注意previously 时间限制,以及no的否定,答案为名词,对应原文because it was the first evidence that storks spend their winters in sub-Saharan Africa.The first evidence对应题干的no,storks spend their winters in sub-Saharan Africa对应题干的storks migrate to Africa。答案为evidence。

37、little表否定需要关注,预判答案填名词跟 journeys并列,对应原文:Before this, very little information was  available about the actual destinations of particular specie. Little 原词出现, was available 对应题干的was  known,答案为destinations。

38、定位用large birds,small birds,预判答案填名词,huge可能会被替换,题干中出现incapable的否定要关注,对应原文:because it seemed impossible that small birds weighing only a few grams could fly over vast oceans. it  seemed impossible对 应题干中的incapable,small birds 原词出现,fly over 对应题干中travel   across,  vast对应题干中的across,  答案是oceans。

39、用Ringing做定位,对应原文The development of bird ringing,by a Danish schoolteacher,Hans Christian Cornelius Mortensen,made many discoveries possible. This is still common  practice today and relies upon what is known as  'recovery’relies upon 对应题干中的 depend on,is known as 对应题干中的is called,答案为recovery

40、题干用1931,first,migration,European birds做定位,对应原文:and for the first time in history  people understood where birds actually went to in winter.In 1931,an atlas was published showing where the most common species of European birds migrated to.  时间出现 ,European birds原词出现,migrated to 对应题干中的migration,was published对应题干中的was printed, 答案atlas


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