剑桥雅思17阅读答案解析Test3 第23-26填空题

剑桥雅思17共收集了雅思真题4套,羊驼雅思整理了第三套阅读真题答案及解析Test 3 Reading,以下是阅读第二篇文章Passage 2第23-26填空题的题目、答案及解析,供烤鸭们复习参考。

剑桥雅思17阅读答案解析Test3 第23-26填空题



Reading Passage 2

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Questions 23–26

Complete the sentences below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 23–26 on your answer sheet.

23、One advantage of palm oil for manufacturers is that it stays________even when not refrigerated.

24、The________is the best known of the animals suffering habitat loss as a result of the spread of oil palm plantations.

25、As one of its criteria for the certification of sustainable palm oil, the RSPO insists that growers check________on a routine basis.

26、Ellwood and his researchers are looking into whether the bird’s nest fern could restore ________in areas where oil palm trees are grown.




23、定位词advantages,manufacturers,not refrigerated,定位原文A段最后两句。对应原文:Why is palm oil so attractive for manufacturers?Primarily because its unique properties-such as remaining solid at room temperature-make it an ideal ingredient for long-term preservation,allowing many packaged foods on supermarket shelves to have 'best before'dates of months,even years,into the future.参考译文:为什么棕榈油对制造商如此有吸引力?主要是因为其独特的特性 例如在室温下保持固态——使其成为长期保存的理想成分,使超市货架上的许多包装食品在未来几个月甚至几年内都在“保质期”内。Remaining 对应题干中的stays,答案为solid.

24、定位词animals,habitat loss,the spread of oil palm plantations.定位原文C 段, 根据首句However,there are multiple reasons why conservationists cite the rapid spread of oil palmplantations as a major concern.判断本段说oil palm plantations对 环境的不好的影响。对应原文: Endangered species-most famously the Sumatran orangutan,but also rhinos,elephants,tigers,and numerous other fauna -have suffered from the unstoppable spread of oil palm plantations. 参考译文:濒临灭绝的 物种 最著名的是苏门答腊猩猩,还有犀牛、大象、老虎和许多其他动物 都因油棕种植园的不可阻挡的蔓延而受到影响。most famously 对应题干中的the best known 答案为Sumatran orangutan.

25、定位词criteria,for the certificaiton,RSPO,growers,a routine basis,定位原文G段第三句。对应原文:The RSPO insists upon no virgin forest clearing,transparency and regular assessment of carbon stocks,amongother criteria.参考译文:RSPO坚持不砍伐原始森林、透明度和定期评估碳储量等标准。Regular对应题干的a routine basis,assessment 对应题干的check, 答案填carbon stocks.

26、定位词Ellwood,bird's nest fern,定位原文H 段,对应原文 Ellwood believes that reintroducing the bird's nest fern into oil palm plantations could potentially allow these areas to recover their biodiversity,providing a home for all manner of species. Ellwood认为重新引入这种鸟巢蕨到油棕种植园有可能使这些地区恢复其生物多 样性,为各种物种提供一个家园。recover对应题干的restore,答案为biodiversity.


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