
剑桥雅思18共收集了雅思真题4套,羊驼雅思整理了第一套阅读真题答案及解析Test 1 Reading,以下是阅读第一篇文章Passage 1第8-13判断题的题目、答案及解析,供烤鸭们复习参考。



Reading Passage 1

剑桥雅思18 Test1 Passage1文章原文请查看剑桥雅思18阅读真题电子版Test1 Passage1

Questions 8-13

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1?

In boxes 8-13 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE  if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

8  Urban farming can take place above or below ground.

9  Some of the equipment used in aeroponic farming can be made by hand.

10 Urban farming relies more on electricity than some other types of farming.

11  Fruit and vegetables grown on an aeroponic urban farm are cheaper than traditionally grown organic produce.

12  Most produce can be grown on an aeroponic urban farm at any time of the year.

13  Beans take longer to grow on an urban farm than other vegetables.



8-13 判断题

8. 题目:城市农业可以在地面上或地下进行。从文章开篇处我们已经得知城市农业中很多农作物是种植在屋顶上的,我们关键要确认地下是否也能进行无土化栽培。文章中用underground同义替换了below ground. 对应原文:Urban farming is not, of course, a new phenomenon. Inner-city agriculture is booming from Shanghai to Detroit and Tokyo to Bangkok. Strawberries are being grown in disused shipping containers, mushrooms in underground carparks. 参考译文:城市农业并非是一个新现象。从上海到底特律,从东京到曼谷,城市内部的农业蓬勃发展。草莓在废弃的集装箱中种植,蘑菇在地下停车场里生长。可知地上地下都能进行无土化栽培,答案为True.

9. 题目:一些用于城市农业的设备可以手工制作。根据aeroponic farming和equipment可定位原文:Aeroponic farming, he says, is ‘virtuous’. The equipment weight little, can be installed on almost any flat surface and is cheap to buy: roughly €100 to €150 per square metre. 参考译文:城市农业,根据他说,是“善良的”。这种设备重量轻,几乎可以安装在任何平面上,并且价格便宜:每平方米大约100到150欧元。只提到了价格便宜、轻薄便于安装等优点,并未提到该设备是否可以手工制作,答案为Not Given.

10. 题目:城市农业比其他农业更加依赖电力。题干中electricity在原文中原词重现,定位原文:It is cheap to run, too, consuming a tiny fraction of the electricity used by some techniques. 参考译文:它的运行成本也很低,只消耗了一小部分其他技术所使用的电力。可知城市农业实际用电更少,文章中用some techniques指代了other types of farming. 并且用consuming替换了原文中的relies on. 答案为False.

11. 题目:在城市农场上生长的水果和蔬菜比传统种植的有机农产品更便宜。根据organic定位到原文:Produce grown this way typically sells at prices that, while generally higher than those of classic intensive agriculture, are lower than soil-based organic growers. 参考译文:以这种方式种植的农产品通常以比传统密集农业的价格高,但低于传统土壤为基础的有机种植的价格。原文用growers替换了produce, 用classic替换了traditionally. 要注意题干比较对象是“城市无土化栽培作物”和“传统有机农产品”,并非“传统农产品”,它比传统农产品价格高,但比起有机农产品价格相对较低。答案为True.

12. 题目:大多数农产品可在一年中任何时刻进行无土栽植。通过时间概念我们可以定位原文:There are limits to what farmers can grow this way, of course, and much of the produce is suited to the summer months. 参考译文:当然,以这种方式农民可种植的作物是有限的,并且大部分农产品只适合夏季生长。题干说任何时刻都可以进行,原文表示受到限制大多数作物只适合夏祭牲场,因此答案为False.

13. 题目:与其他蔬菜相比,城市农场中的豆类植物需要更长时间生长。根据beans可直接定位。对应原文:And beans tend to take up a lot of space for not much return. 参考译文:豆类往往占据很多的空间,却没有多少回报。只提到了豆类占空间的问题,直到文章结尾都没提及生长速度快慢,因此答案为Not Given.



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