


on the dothappens at a particular time, precise time, exactly time.The class will start at 8:00 a.m. on the dot, so don't be late!
and then someand even more; and more than has been mentioned.It looked like 20.000 people and then some were crowded into the stadium. Investors in the business got their money back and then some.
Find my feet
to become comfortable doing something.Moving to a new city was difficult as first, but I soon found my feet.
read my/your/his mind
refers to the idea that thoughts are known by another.I was surprised he knew what I was planning, like he could read my mind.
before long
a rather short amount of time.I will be gone before long, but I hope you learn a lot.
Cost an arm and a leg
really expensive.This dress is really nice, but it cost me an arm and a leg.
Set in their ways
not wanting to changeMy parents are quite traditional and set in their ways.
(the) bottom line
most important number or information.

1、My bottom line to do this job is freedom from meddling!

2、Don't give me the details of what the client said about the bid, just tell me his bottom line.

burn the midnight oil
stay up late, esp work lateWe're gonna have to burn the midnight oil to get this job done by tomorrow.
call it a day
end the job (or task) for the day, (or night)Well, it was nice chatting with you, but it‘s time for me to call it a day.
change one's mind
to change a decision or opinion.Nothing you have told me motivates me to change my mind.
Over the moon
to be extremely pleased or happy.I was over the moon when I passed my speaking test.
(Right) off the top of my headsaying something without giving it too much thought or without precise knowledge.You are familiar enough with the data. Give us the information off the top of your head.
catch your/my/his eyesomething or someone that has a visual attraction for you, can be a written description as well. Really is often used to introduce this idiom.That pretty girl really caught my eye. Do any of these watches catch your eye? The price on that advertised special really caught my eye.
down in the dumps
unhappy, sadShe's a bit down in the dumps because she failed one of her exams.
(on the) cutting edge
the most modern, up to date process or product/equipmentHis teaching process is on the cutting edge. This new computer is cutting edge technology.
(on the) cutting edge
the most modern, up to date process or product/equipmentHis teaching process is on the cutting edge. This new computer is cutting edge technology.
Put all your eggs in one basket
put all your money or effort into one thing.Don't put all your eggs in one basket. You should apply to lots of different universities.
chill out
relax, calm downDespite terrorism, Obama still kept calm, and told his staff to chill out, and got back to work.
Miss the boat
miss an opportunity.I sent my application in late and I think I missed the boat.
(to be) fed up with
tired of, disgusted withBe careful, I think the boss is fed up with us today.
Once in a blue moon
happens very rarely.A student will get a 9 in the IELTS writing test once in a blue moon.
white elephant
an unprofitable investment, something that is large and unwieldy and is a nuisance and/or expensive to maintain.That new motorbike I bought is really a white elephant, it is expensive and too big for these streets.


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