



Relatively expensive and designed to appeal to wealthy consumersAn up-market restaurant that is quite pricey but also quite good.
to try to accomplish a lot quickly, also can mean to try to put a lot of items in a tight fitThe students are all cramming to get ready for the exams.
in high spirits
extremely happyThey'd had a couple of drinks and were in high spirits.
keep one's chin up
remain brave and keep on trying ; remain cheerful in difficult circumstances.

Keep your chin up. Don't take your troubles to bed with you.

Keep your chin up. Things will get better sooner or later.

read my/your/his mind
guess what somebody is thinkingI was surprised he knew what I was planning, like he could read my mind.
get the ball rolling
start doing something, especially something big

1、I decided to get the ball rolling and got up to dance.

2、You should get the ball rolling as soon as possible to be well-prepared for the IELTS test.

for ages
for a very long timeI waited for ages but he never showed up.
fill in for someonedo someone's work while he is away; substitute forBill is going to be filling in for me while I'm out on maternity leave.
getting restless.The guys are getting antsy, we need to go somewhere else before they get too noisy.
(as) easy as pie
very easyFor Tom, getting a graphic design certificate was easy as pie –he seemed to have a natural talent for it.
under the weather
sick; not completely wellI noticed that the cat was looking a little under the weather.
fingers-crossed = keep one's fingers crossed (for someone or something)
to wish for luck for someone or somethingWe're keeping our fingers crossed that he'll be healthy again very soon.
have a chin-wag
have a long conversation between friends; have a chatWe had a good chin-wag over a bottle of wine.
chicken scratch (n)
the handwriting that is crammed or illegibleHis signature—an unforgeably idiosyncratic chicken scratch.
the wee hours
after midnightHe was up until the wee hours trying to finish his work.
a blessing in a disguise
something that seems bad or unlucky at first, but results in something good happening laterLosing that job was a blessing in disguise really.
all in the same boat
in the same difficult situation as someone elseNone of us has any money, so we're all in the same boat.
beating around the bush
avoid the main topic and not speaking directly about itLet's stop beating about the bush and discuss this matter.
early bird
someone who gets up earlyI never miss sunrise. I'm an early bird.
a breath of fresh air
something that is new & refreshingSelena was a talented and beautiful entertainer, a breath of fresh air in an industry full of people all trying to copy each other.
keep an eye on
to monitor a situation, not forget about it.Keep an eye on the noodles, there almost done.
keep your nose to the grindstone
continue to put forward a good effortIf you keep your nose to the grindstone, you will finish this job tonight.
know something inside out/know something backwards and forwardsto be totally familiar withHe knows that subject backwards and forwards.
leave well enough alone
to not try to change something that is good enoughThis repair is not perfect, but let's leave well enough alone.
now and then
on an occasional basis, often "every" is used as the first word of this idiomatic phrase.Every now and then I have a good idea.


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