


院校机构 城市 雅思分数 课程类别
TAFE Queensland, Sunshine Coast Health Institute Sunshine Coast阳光海岸 5.5 Certificate III, Certificate IV, Diploma and Advanced Diploma(证书三、证书四、文凭和高级文凭)
North Coast Institute, Ballina Ballina巴利纳 5.5 Overall requirement - Please check with the TAFE institution(总体要求-请与TAFE机构核实)
South Australian Institute of Business and Technology Adelaide阿德莱德 6 Postgraduate Admissions(研究生招生)
Kingsway Institute Sydney悉尼 6 English for Academic Purposes Level 2(学术英语二级)
Orange International College Melbourne墨尔本 5.5 Vocational Diploma(职业文凭)
TAFE Queensland, Sunshine Coast Health Institute Sunshine Coast阳光海岸 6.5 Higher education (associate degree and above)(高等教育(副学士及以上学历))
International College of Hotel Management Adelaide阿德莱德 5 Comprehensive Program(综合课程)
WA Academy of Performing Arts Perth珀斯 5.5 Overall requirement - Please check with the TAFE institution(总体要求-请与TAFE机构核实)
Queensland College of Teachers Brisbane布里斯班 7 Teacher Registration(教师注册)
Choice Business College Gold Coast黄金海岸 5.5 Vocational - Advanced Diploma of Accounting(职业会计高级文凭)
TAFE Queensland, Coomera Marine Coomera库梅拉 5.5 Certificate III, Certificate IV, Diploma and Advanced Diploma(证书三、证书四、文凭和高级文凭)
International College of Hotel Management Adelaide阿德莱德 6 Diploma(文凭)
WA Academy of Performing Arts Perth珀斯 5.5 Overall requirement - Please check with the TAFE institution(总体要求-请与TAFE机构核实)
Sydney English Language Centre Sydney悉尼 5.5 IELTS Preparation(雅思备考)
Choice Business College Gold Coast黄金海岸 5.5 Vocational - Advanced Diploma of Business(职业-高级商业文凭)
ICAT Aviation College Brisbane布里斯班 4.5 Cert III Cabin Crew(空服员证书三)
TAFE Queensland, Coomera Marine Coomera库梅拉 6.5 Higher education (associate degree and above)(高等教育(副学士及以上学历))
International College of Hotel Management Adelaide阿德莱德 6 Undergraduate Admissions(本科生招生)
University of Wollongong Wollongong卧龙岗 5.5 Foundation Admissions(预科招生)
Choice Business College Gold Coast黄金海岸 5.5 Vocational - Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management(职业-领导与管理高级文凭)
ICAT Aviation College Brisbane布里斯班 5.5 Cert III Remote Pilot(远程飞行员证书三)
TAFE Queensland, Townsville (Trade Training Centre Bohle) Townsville汤斯维尔 5.5 Certificate III, Certificate IV, Diploma and Advanced Diploma(证书三、证书四、文凭和高级文凭)
University of Wollongong Wollongong卧龙岗 7 Law and Journalism(法律与新闻)
Choice Business College Gold Coast黄金海岸 4 Vocational - Certificate III in Spoken and Written English(职业英语口语和书面语三级证书)
ICAT Aviation College Brisbane布里斯班 5.5 Diploma of Aeroskills(航空技能文凭)
TAFE Queensland, Townsville (Trade Training Centre Bohle) Townsville汤斯维尔 6.5 Higher education (associate degree and above)(高等教育(副学士及以上学历))
Dental Council of New South Wales Sydney悉尼 6.5 All applications(所有申请)
University of Wollongong Wollongong卧龙岗 6 Postgraduate Admissions(研究生招生)
Choice Business College Gold Coast黄金海岸 5.5 Vocational - Certificate IV in Spoken and Written English(职业-英语口语和书面四级证书)
University of Wollongong Wollongong卧龙岗 6 Undergraduate Admissions(本科生招生)
Choice Business College Gold Coast黄金海岸 5.5 Vocational - Diploma of Accounting(职业会计文凭)
Choice Business College Gold Coast黄金海岸 5.5 Vocational - Diploma of Business(职业-商业文凭)
Australian National College Melbourne墨尔本 5.5 Other(其他)
Choice Business College Gold Coast黄金海岸 5.5 Vocational - Diploma of Leadership and Management(职业-领导力和管理文凭)
Charles Darwin University -Alice Springs Alice Springs爱丽丝泉 6.5 All applications(所有申请)
Australian National College Melbourne墨尔本 5.5 Other(其他)
Queensland Academy of Technology Brisbane布里斯班 5.5 Vocational(职业课程)
Sydney Technical Institute Sydney悉尼 5.5 Other(其他)
Australian Professional Skills Institute East Perth珀斯 5.5 Other(其他)
Queensland Academy of Technology Brisbane布里斯班 5.5 Vocational(职业课程)
Sydney Technical Institute Sydney悉尼 5.5 Other(其他)
AVETA - Australian Vocational Education & Training Academy Melbourne墨尔本 4.5 Foundation Admissions(预科招生)
Doncaster Secondary College Doncaster唐卡斯特 5 High School(高中)
Queensland Academy of Technology Brisbane布里斯班 5.5 Vocational(职业课程)
AVETA - Australian Vocational Education & Training Academy Melbourne墨尔本 4.5 VET(兽医)
Rhodes College - Melbourne Melbourne墨尔本 5.5 All courses(所有课程)
Queensland Academy of Technology Brisbane布里斯班 5.5 Vocational(职业课程)
Queensland Academy of Technology Brisbane布里斯班 5.5 Vocational(职业课程)
Queensland Academy of Technology Brisbane布里斯班 5.5 Vocational(职业课程)
Bendigo TAFE, Charlseton Road Bedingo贝丁戈 5.5 All courses(所有课程)
South East Adelaide阿德莱德 5.5 Overall requirement - Please check with the TAFE institution(总体要求-请与TAFE机构核实)
Navitas Professional - Careers and Internships Sydney悉尼 6 Other(其他)
Douglas Mawson Institute of Technology Adelaide阿德莱德 6.5 All applications(所有申请)
South East Adelaide阿德莱德 5.5 Overall requirement - Please check with the TAFE institution(总体要求-请与TAFE机构核实)
Drivers Education Centre of Australia, Sydney Sydney悉尼 5.5 Overall requirement - Please check with the TAFE institution(总体要求-请与TAFE机构核实)
Drivers Education Centre of Australia, Sydney Sydney悉尼 5.5 Overall requirement - Please check with the TAFE institution(总体要求-请与TAFE机构核实)
Asia Pacific International College Chippendale奇彭代尔 6.5 Postgraduate Admissions(研究生招生)
Asia Pacific International College Chippendale奇彭代尔 6 Undergraduate Admissions(本科生招生)
Dalton College Melbourne墨尔本 5.5 Advanced Diploma(高级文凭)
James Cook University, Townsville Townsville汤斯维尔 6.5 All applications(所有申请)
Nudgee International College Boondall邦多尔 5.5 Diploma(文凭)
Dalton College Melbourne墨尔本 5.5 Advanced Diploma(高级文凭)
Australian Film, Television and Radio School (AFTRS) Sydney悉尼 8 Master of Arts Screen(艺术大师屏幕)
Nudgee International College Boondall邦多尔 4 ELICOS()
Dalton College Melbourne墨尔本 4 Certificate IV(证书四)
Nudgee International College Boondall邦多尔 5 Foundation Admissions(预科招生)
Academy of Information Technology Sydney悉尼 5.5 Undergraduate(大学生)
Dalton College Melbourne墨尔本 5 Certificate IV(证书四)
Nudgee International College Boondall邦多尔 5 High School(高中)
Dalton College Melbourne墨尔本 5.5 Diploma(文凭)
South Western Sydney Institute Sydney悉尼 5.5 Overall requirement - Please check with the TAFE institution(总体要求-请与TAFE机构核实)
East West College of Natural Therapies Caulfield考尔菲德 5.5 Postgraduate Admissions(研究生招生)
Dalton College Melbourne墨尔本 3 EAL III()
South Western Sydney Institute Sydney悉尼 5.5 Overall requirement - Please check with the TAFE institution(总体要求-请与TAFE机构核实)
ELS Universal English College Sydney悉尼 5 Foundation Admissions(预科招生)
Danford College Melbourne墨尔本 5.5 Other(其他)
Dalton College Melbourne墨尔本 4 EAL IV()
Universiti Utara Malaysia Singleton Shire辛格尔顿郡 6.5 All applications(所有申请)
Danford College Melbourne墨尔本 5.5 Other(其他)
Bedford College - Sydney Sydney悉尼 5.5 All applications(所有申请)
Engineers Australia, Overseas Chapters Sydney悉尼 6 All applications(所有申请)
ACT Nursing and Midwifery Board Canberra堪培拉 6 General Requirements(一般要求)
Le Cordon Bleu, Adelaide Adelaide阿德莱德 6 Bachelor Degrees(学士学位)
Engineers Australia, Overseas Chapters Sydney悉尼 6 All applications(所有申请)






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