




1. Whether or not someone achieves their aims is mostly by a question of luck. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(一个人能否实现目标主要取决于运气。你在多大程度上同意或不同意?)

It is argued that some people's success is mostly attributable to luck instead of their own hard work. However, I completely disagree with this opinion.

I believe that only determined and industrious people will be successful in whatever they do. Hard-working people usually attain their goals. For instance, Steve Jobs spent thousands of hours coding and experimenting to bring out the great Macintosh operating system that we use nowadays. Another clear case of success through determination is Nick Vujicic, an Australian motivational speaker, who suffered from a rare disorder which resulted in the absence of four limbs. Despite not having any hands or legs, Vujicic earned a bachelor degree with a double major in accountancy and financial planning; he had his own family, and now he travels around the world to inspire people as a motivational speaker.

On the other hand, by contrast, luck is only a small factor in determining one's achievement. Firstly, people cannot solely be dependent on luck to become successful. If a student does not study for an exam, chances are he or she will fail, no matter how lucky he or she may be. Secondly, luck only contributes to short-term fortune. For instance, a person who wins a lottery is definitely lucky because winning a lottery does not require you to do anything to earn it. It purely depends on luck; yet, he or she cannot win the lottery for the rest of his or her life.

In conclusion, for the reasons I have mentioned above, I strongly believe that in order to achieve objectives in life, one must be extremely determined and hard-working to follow his or her passion till the end.

2. People today do not feel safe either at home or when they are out. What are the causes? What are the solutions?(今天的人们无论在家里还是在外面都感到不安全。原因是什么?解决方案是什么?)

It is true that many people think that they are no longer safe either in their own houses or when they are in the street or other public places. Some causes for this feeling can be identified, but I believe that some solutions could help to allay those fears.

The perception that society is unsafe and that people are at risk even at home stems from at least two important causes. Firstly, the widening gap between the rich and the poor is one of the factors behind the rising crime rate in many countries. In Vietnam, for example, burglary and robbery have become increasingly common, because some criminals turn to crime simply as a way to survive. Secondly, everyone who uses the roads is aware of the dangers resulting from the dramatic increase in traffic. In the past, parents allowed their children to play freely in the street, but this is unthinkable nowadays.

Some simple measures should be implemented to deal with these root causes of insecurity. It is necessary to provide more job training programs to help people out of poverty and into employment. With increasing prosperity and opportunities, the need to steal from others would be reduced and everyone would feel safer. In terms of greater security on the roads, more surveillance cameras should be installed. These could be placed on trains and buses and also sited along major roads, which would help to ensure that motorists obeyed speed limits and drive safely. The public would feel much safer knowing that such cameras were in place.

In conclusion, the problem of poverty as a cause of burglary and robbery and the problem of road safety can be tackled by effective measures, giving people a greater sense of security.

3. Some people believe famous people's support towards international aid organizations draws attention to problems. Others think celebrities make the problems less important. Discuss both views and give your opinion.(一些人认为名人对国际援助组织的支持引起了人们对问题的关注。其他人则认为名人使问题变得不那么重要。讨论双方观点并给出你的观点。)

It is argued that well-known people's involvement in global aid organizations attracts the attention of the community. While some people suppose that their participation may downplay the significance of problems, I would argue that this trend could bring about enormous and positive changes to society.

On the one hand, famous people can lessen the importance of problems. One reason is that most people often consider the main purpose of celebrities' support as a way to enhance their reputations. In an effort to attract the attention of society, a number of important people try to be involved in as many volunteer projects as possible without any particular passion or interest in those. Furthermore, the association with celebrities may trivialize the serious work of international aid organizations since the focus of the public may be shifted away from this endeavour to the fame and public image of the celebrity concerned. Consequently, we sometimes have to question their motives for involvement.

On the other hand, I strongly believe that celebrities can bring meaningful changes to social activities. Firstly, they have a huge number of fans who are inspired by their actions. For example, when My Tam – a Vietnamese legendary singer – took part in a project to help underprivileged children in mountainous areas, thousands of youngsters from her fan clubs joined in this project by donating money and working as volunteers thanks to her encouragement. Secondly, celebrities are often trusted by both local and international communities, which may lead to success in raising the profile of aid organizations. As a result , more people learn about projects and donate money or volunteer to help either practically or in fund-raising.

In conclusion, although there are some drawbacks to celebrity participation in international aid organizations, it seems to me that it is more advantageous for the community that they take part in voluntary activities.



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