对于一些较为明确的题目,可以直接开门见山地点出主题。例如,如果题目是关于网络对人们社交方式的影响,开头就可以这样写:“The internet has brought about a profound transformation in the way people socialize. This essay will explore both the positive and negative impacts of this phenomenon.”这种开头简洁明了,能让考官迅速把握文章的核心话题。这种方式适合那些观点比较清晰且容易阐述的题目。但要注意的是,在表述时要避免过于简单化,要用恰当的词汇和句式来体现一定的语言功底。
有些话题需要一定的背景知识才能更好地理解。比如关于环境保护与经济发展之间的关系,可以先介绍目前全球面临的环境问题以及经济发展的现状。“In recent years, environmental degradation has become an increasingly pressing issue around the world. Meanwhile, countries are pursuing economic growth with great enthusiasm. The relationship between environmental protection and economic development is a complex one that requires careful consideration.”通过这样的背景铺垫,能够为下文深入论述做好准备,并且也显示了考生对相关话题有一定了解。不过,在描述背景时要注意紧扣主题,不要偏离方向。
引用一些与主题相关的名言或者准确的数据能增加文章的说服力。如论述教育公平性的问题,“As Nelson Mandela once said, 'Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.' However, in reality, educational inequality still exists in many parts of the globe.”又或者“According to a recent survey conducted by [机构名称], only 30% of students from low income families have access to quality education resources.”但是引用时要确保来源可靠,而且所引内容要确实能支撑自己的论点。
以问题的方式开头可以引发读者思考,进而引起阅读兴趣。“Is it really necessary for schools to focus solely on academic performance? Shouldn't they also pay attention to students' mental health and social skills?”然后在接下来的句子中给出自己的观点并引入主题。这种方式可以使文章更具互动性,不过问题的设计要合理,不能过于空泛。
将两种不同的事物进行对比也是很好的开头方式。像讨论城市生活和乡村生活的利弊,“Urban life offers more job opportunities and entertainment options, whereas rural life provides a peaceful environment and close knit communities. But which one is better? This essay will compare and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of living in urban and rural areas.”这样的开头有助于引出后续的论证内容。