# 雅思作文开头段模版
## 一、开门见山式开头
这种开头方式直接切入主题,简洁明了地表明文章的核心观点或论点。例如,在论述“全球化对文化的影响”时,可以这样写:“Globalization has significantly impacted the world's cultures in various ways. On one hand, it promotes cultural exchange and diversity; on another hand, it may lead to cultural homogenization.”这种方式适合逻辑思维清晰、表达直接的考生。它能够让读者迅速抓住文章的主旨,节省阅读时间。同时,也体现出作者对题目理解的准确性和表达的果断性。
## 二、背景铺垫式开头
先简要介绍与话题相关的背景信息,再引出自己的观点。以“网络社交平台对人际关系的影响”为例,“In recent years, social media platforms have become an integral part of our daily lives. People from all walks of life are actively participating in online social interactions through platforms like Facebook, WeChat and Twitter. While these platforms bring convenience and connectivity, they also have profound effects on interpersonal relationships.”这样的开头可以让读者更好地理解话题产生的社会环境,使文章更有深度。而且,通过对比新旧事物或者现状与过去的情况,能更突出所讨论问题的重要性。
## 三、设问式开头
用一个问题引发读者思考,进而引出下文。“Is technology making us smarter or dumber? This is a question that has been widely debated in today's society. With the rapid development of technology, especially artificial intelligence, this issue becomes even more complicated and controversial.”这种方式能够激发读者的兴趣,让读者带着疑问去阅读后续内容。它还可以体现作者对问题的独特见解和思考深度,给考官留下深刻印象。
## 四、引用名言警句式开头
恰当地引用名人名言可以增加文章的说服力和文化底蕴。“As Albert Einstein once said,'Imagination is more important than knowledge.' In the context of education, this quote highlights the significance of fostering students' creativity rather than merely imparting knowledge.”但是要注意,引用必须贴切且准确无误,否则会适得其反。
## 五、故事导入式开头
讲述一个小故事来引出主题,比如关于环境保护的话题。“There was once a small village surrounded by lush forests. The villagers lived harmoniously with nature for generations. However, as industrialization advanced, the trees were cut down one by one, and the clear streams became polluted...Now, we must think about how to protect our environment before it's too late.”这种方法能让文章更加生动有趣,容易引起读者的情感共鸣。不过也要注意故事的简洁性和相关性。