从内容相关性的角度来看,万能句型要能够准确引入话题。例如,“Nowadays, the issue of [话题] has been brought into focus.”(如今,[话题]的问题已经引起关注)这一句型适用于很多社会现象类的话题。它简洁明了地将读者带入到所要讨论的内容之中。如果话题是关于教育的“Nowadays, the issue of education reform has been brought into focus.”就很好地引出了教育改革这个话题。又如,“In recent years, there has been a growing concern over [话题].”(近年来,人们对[话题]的关注与日俱增)。这种句型强调了话题的重要性并且具有时效性,对于一些当下热门话题如环境保护“In recent years, there has been a growing concern over environmental protection.”十分适用。
从逻辑结构方面分析,开头需要构建起清晰的逻辑框架。“To begin with, it is widely acknowledged that [观点或现象].”(首先,普遍认为[观点或现象]),这样的句子表明了作者对某个被广泛接受的观点的认同,从而为后续阐述自己的见解做好铺垫。比如“To begin with, it is widely acknowledged that technology plays an indispensable role in modern society.”(首先,普遍认为科技在现代社会中发挥着不可或缺的作用)。接着可以进一步论述技术对各个方面的改变等。
从体现态度的角度出发,开头部分也要适当展现作者的态度。“Some people claim that [一方观点], while others argue that [另一方观点]. Personally, I am more inclined to believe that [自己的观点].”(有些人声称[一方观点],而另一些人则认为[另一方观点]。个人而言,我更倾向于相信[自己的观点])。这不仅展示了不同观点的存在,还明确了自己的立场,让文章更有针对性。例如在讨论网络交友的话题时,“Some people claim that online friendship can enhance social connections, while others argue that it may lead to privacy issues. Personally, I am more inclined to believe that although online friendship has its advantages, we should be cautious about potential risks.”
从修辞手法运用上来说,恰当的修辞可以增加开头的魅力。“There is no denying that [话题] is like a double edged sword, which brings both opportunities and challenges.”(不可否认,[话题]就像一把双刃剑,既带来了机遇也带来了挑战)。以双刃剑为喻,生动形象地概括了话题的两面性。像在谈到全球化“There is no denying that globalization is like a double edged sword, which brings both opportunities for economic development and challenges such as cultural conflicts.”